Indian Government Bank

Day 563, 03:08 Published in India India by Indian Government Bank

As you might have noticed, it has only been 2-3 days from my previous ( First Update ). But these 3 days had a lot of movement so I felt like giving in another report on our current situation.
[Unless you care about these numbers, please skip to Programs.]

Our Gold and INR Accounts Stand at:
[Includes all govt. MM offers, INR in govt. companies and organizations, and country accounts.]
Gol😛 411
INR: 13700
All other currencies value at 170 Gold in total. [All accounts added up.]
Total money I can run with. 😛 = 900 Gold Approx. [Does not include companies etc., just gold and currencies of all the accounts]

These 3 days have been very expensive due to the Lana training Program. Here is a brief of our expenses below-
Name of the org/official -–

Amount provided
– For Reason
Ladakh Scouts
– 1000 INR –
Running of Q1 weapons company.
Indian Military Training -–
395 Gold –
Gold distribution for Lana Program.

5 Gold –
Creation of Indian Military Training org.
Jay Kerlaite

7 Gold –
To make NPF org and a newspaper in it.
Gorkha Rifles

1000 INR –
Running of Q1 weapons company.

In these 3 days, we ha😛
Tax Income = 510 INR.
[Other tax revenues have not been monitored.]
Monetary Market Income = 71 Gold.
Others = 180 Gold.


1.Organization maintenance.

I have noticed that we create a lot of org’s, but when the need comes for anything, we need yet another one. With people/govt. officials leaving the game or getting banned for some reason – Passwords are lost, and so is the org.(Even though that happens very rarely, it still DOES happen.)
We would not have needed to waste 10 gold on the org’s created in these 3 days, if I had the password for Indian Navy and Indian Air Force – both of them are not being used for anything. This is a small expense maybe, but its just an example. We waste a lot more than that.
So, in order to avoid this unnecessary expense – I am creating a doc. with all the govt. organization names and passwords.
The access of this document will be restricted to the President and MoF. The doc. will be passed on to the next president by our current one.
It is currently under construction, if you have access to ANY govt. org please message Indian Government Bank -
1. Org name.
2. Your name [if you are messaging from an org].
3. Name of the person that gave you access.
4.Who else has access to that org to the best of your knowledge.
5. Password of that org.

2.Military Training Program.
It was decided before my term that 400 gold will be used on Indian Military to make it stronger and more powerful. This gold was privately financed, and is NOT governmental property. This of course means that 400 gold that the govt. had in the last report needs to be removed. I was unaware of this fact and thought that this gold will be transferred to us later. 
Anyway, hopefully this will help us get some stronger soldiers!
Join eIndia’s National Forums to learn more about this program!

3.Financial Discussions.
I have put up the following on the forums to be discussed by the people/congress so the can approve/disapprove my requests and carry out the required actions.
a)Gold donation to IGB. – Obvious decision.

b)Tax changes. – Debatable, please have a look at it and express your thoughts for a better decision to be made.

c)Wood in India. – Debatable, please have a look at it.
Important Note: All of these discussions are held on the National Forum. If you are not registered yet – then please register and request access (by making a post about your request.) It will take a short while for your request to be approved. 🙂

That’s all for now! 😃

Akash Verma
Minister of Finance, February 2010