In his house he waits dreaming...

Day 817, 14:21 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
Reporting from South East England, America

Reporting from the front lines of the America – England conflict, I bring readers a shocking revelation about the current war embroiling this rainy island.

Previously thought to be related to world domination and spice, and a lust for power, the real source of the power of Phoenix is far, far scarier than previously imagined.

It seems that several archaeologists, including renown megalomaniac Nicolae Carpathia, discovered a dark secret on Earth, and used this as their evil empire increased in strength, and attacked everything in sight.

The size of the evil empire at it’s height

The source of this power was previously unknown, although it was hinted to be the fabled spice, and this was the popular theory. However, this train is wrong; it has, much like the train service in the UK, become utterly redundant, in light of new findings by this news outlet. The source of power that has driven a thousand wars is none other than the Great Old One, Cthulhu. Now if you begin to feel an intense and crushing feeling of religious terror at the concept, don't be alarmed. That indicates only that you are still sane.

Scrabman in an early, and unreleased campaign poster. While not working for PEACE, he was the greater evil.

Sleeping in the city of R’lyeh, Cthulhu laid dormant for many millennia, until a fellow great evil was born on the world above. For many months, Cthulhu never gave his all too either side, instead supporting countries who offered him the highest amount of souls; countries such as Romania and Sweden were able to destroy everything near them with his help, until the beast fully woke up. Beginning with two battles, Cthulhu showcased his immense power by destroying an empire in minutes.

Cthulu; a lonely soul?

With this revelation, a growing number of people are commenting on the futility of attacking a faction which is supported by the single most powerful being in the galaxy. Military leaders however are more optimistic. A source in the military is quoted as saying ”well, now we know what we are facing we can destroy it much better”. The USA is planning on utilising it’s very own unstoppable force, in the hope of destroying the monster.

The outcome of the war is currently in the balance, after the people of Old Castro attacked one of the more important regions in the Asian continent.

Cthulhu fhtagn!