ILP-On economy and raffle!

Day 1,513, 06:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by F. Castro
Part 1: Ireland this week and economy stuff

This week has been good for our island. Ireland continues to prevail in the field of warfare, as our army triumphs in the ongoing clash with eUK. More importantly, Ireland was there for it’s allies, successful on all fronts.

In our quest to strengthen our community, ILP has discussed and approved Sweet’s plan for the economy. We feel that this is the best course of action, that can only help the community. In the economy field, the state will be able to control the markets and thus help all players and increase state income at the same time. Furthermore, Sweet’s plan also mean that CP’s won’t need a bucket-load of money for MPP’s, which means that more members of the community can run for CP!

ILP fully supports this plan, and it was brought before the Dáil by an ILP congressman. We also asked for a 2-day discussion on the matter, and would like to see that happening before laws are voted. We feel that when TD’s are allowed to express their opinions, our community unites even more. Also, this 48-hour discussion means that an idea can be improved by other opinions.

Part 2: Raffle

Finally, last week’s raffle is over, even if there has been a small delay! Comrade Didac is the winner of the 30 Q6 guns, so congratulations and may he use them for the good of our community! As promised, every week we will have a new raffle. So, this time, we will be giving out 35Q6. The raffle works by the standard procedure, you vote this article, write your vote numbers at the comments and cross your fingers! For ILP members the raffle is free, non ILP members will have to donate 50 IEP to PP Bean&Teddy. So, go ahead and try your luck!

PP Bean&Teddy
VP Winston Hope Smith
VP F. Castro