If You Want To Be Free, Be Free

Day 663, 11:13 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
This article was written by a new contributor to The Musicman, Indrae, as part of the Res Ipsa Loquitur program.

Indrae is a newer player that has grasped the game rather quickly and is starting to make his mark in the media. Here is his first article:

Emerick Resigns
President Emerick (now former president Emerick) has resigned from the presidency. Gaius Julius has assumed the presidency. The former president resigned due to real life issues, and I'm sure that we all wish him luck in sorting those out. Emerick led us through some tough times, from when we were down to one state (Florida), up to now, when we have regained most of our states. I have confidence that Gaius Julius will do an excellent job as president (as I hope we all do), but it is obvious that he has some pretty big shoes to fill.

The War Carries On
Despite the loss of Emerick's leadership, it is important that we carry on in our efforts to free ourselves from occupying forces (Russia, Hungary, and some could say Colombia).

Looking towards some cheerful news, we have regained the state of Maryland, the last of our states held by Portugal. Colombia's recent attack on Kansas resulted in failure on their part, with the United States emerging victorious. In our fight against Russia, Wisconsin has been secured, however South Dakota and Tennessee were conquered by the enemy. At the time I'm writing this there are currently three open battles: Missouri, Alabama, and Mississippi. During this important time during the war, it is important for us to follow our DoD orders, because the lack of organization is the path to failure.

It is important not to let ourselves be distracted by Colombia's attacks. While it may seem embarrassing to have Colombia have control over United States soil, it is clear that Russia needs to be our main focus. With Russia out of the way, there will have no hope of retaining control over our states.

In one of his songs, Cat Stevens said this:
"Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free"

Using this song as an example, we, as eAmericans, need to have our voices heard. There is no enemy that can conquer a nation that is united in their goal of freedom.

Thank you for reading,

Indrae is an occasional contributor to The Musicman. He is also the Press Director of The Indy Times and you should check out that newspaper.