I Will Bomb the US Media

Day 470, 16:04 Published in USA USA by SamWystan

The Fieldist Volume II, Issue 7
The New the Unabomber Doesn't Want You To Know!

Media Enters Day 2 of Standoff With Fieldist Editor
Yesterday I announced that I will bomb the media with medium quality to lower quality articles, blocking out all competition. I will do so at a time of my choosing. This will happen if my demands are not met in a speedy fashion.

Let me say three serious words: I am not kidding.

I will do this. And it will shake this country to the core.

Demands are as follows:
1. 100 people or more must subscribe to the Fieldist.
2. Said people must pay me 1 USD equaling a sum of 100 USD.
3. Tajori must stop writing articles.
4. My name must be cleared of wrongdoing in the case of Evelyn Houston.
5. I could use some gold as well.
6. Maybe some Snickers.
7. And some snickerdoodles, because I don't know what those are.
8. A major presidential candidate must seek my endorsement by making me their Fun Czar.
9. All I want is a little love.
10. Cash for subscription articles must die off for a week.

Demands fulfille😛
1. 40 subscriptions
2. 3.01 USD, .09 ESP
4. Roughly
5. .1 gold
9. Emerick gave a little. Stiles Mattingly gave some conditionally. Will you?

I do this for the good of the country, as well as my own peace of mind. Vote this up so I don't have to do this.