I, Tyler F Durden, Am Resigning from this Administration.

Day 727, 21:02 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

No fancy pictures.

Yesterday, we made Peace with eFrance.

There are some who cheer...

I am not one of them. This is not because I am a blood thirsty war-monger who desires to invade eFrance.

This is because of how we have treated our allies - allies that gave us the ultimate sacrifice in our time of need.

Today, folker, the Country President of eSpain addressed his nation. In that address, he stated that:

"...we have not and we will never be signing a peace treaty with the conditions of which the USA and Canada have signed before."

"...We think that closing a war which has 10 MPPS in favour is not the best move also without consulting nor respecting the wishes of allies like Spain or even the rest of EDEN who received the information once the decision was already taken."

"...Canada and the USA have just taken into account their own interests without thinking on that finishing this war can be against the interests of his allies in Europe. Taking decisions on your own could damage on a direct or indirect way to a fellow nation which does not make you a really good ally..."

" ...the only one country that has earned something out of this is France. France has been managing the situation in order to gain a free security with American frontiers, knowing that france which will never quit PEACE, this is why we think that this move has been a foolish move rather than a brilliant one led USA and Canada."

"We are allied countries and we will continue to be so, but we should have stated our points of view before. We do not feel betrayed but profoundly disappointed."

* * *

Those are the President of eSpain's words - NOT mine. (all bold emphasis is the eSpanish President's)

There are some who think that I am "throwing oil onto the fire" when I stand by my principles,
by comments I have made and articles I have written.

I do NOT fear such people.

A REAL man does NOT fear people who attack his stand upon principle.

So, in the spirit of this Administration, which I can no longer give my support to...

I hereby resign as "Advisor of Strategic Services" (A.S.S.) as clearly my thoughts on national strategy are not desired as I was not consulted in this international relations debacle. Instead I have been singled out as one to blame by a member of this administration for the sentiment of the eSpanish people towards us.

I have not consulted with this Government concerning my resignation, as clearly consultation is not what we seem to be about...anymore.

I shall close thusly -

I do not propose impeachment over this - this is MY stand. I have learned a few things in my 33 years in life, and here in eLife. One of those things which parallel between both worlds is how you treat they who hold your interests as their own.

I do not - nor will I EVER believe that how we have conducted our self interest in regard to our treatment of our allies is becoming of a Canadian - or eCanadian for that matter.


Tyler F Durden,

Okay, one picture...
