How Polish MoFA is lying - logs from the meeting

Day 1,163, 08:03 Published in Poland USA by Ariakis
So we have two different, completely separate relations from the Cro-Ser-BiH-PL meeting, yet they come from same log.


As you may see our beloved MoFA accused Croatian officials:

Well - lying - let's see:
Source 1:

Second matter, which in Croatia got so much attention that it even dazzled Polish leaving from alliance, are negotiations held on Sunday with representatives of four countries: eBiH, eCroatia, eSerbia and ePoland. Meeting’s only agenda was of course offer made by Serbia regarding active war with Croatia and regarding questions of BiH.

Meeting was held? YES

What began as an Serbian offer to bring two BiH regions under control of it's original country

Source 2:

12:19 serbia offered to leave bosnia for that peace
12:20 stay with grain region

Seems true? Now to check some other source (3):

- w drodze negocjacji otrzymało również ze strony Serbii propozycję wyzwolenia BiH i zaprzestanie prób przejęcia władzy w tym kraju. Jedyną prośbą było podpisanie pokoju z Chorwacją

During negotiations it (Polish MoFA) received the guarantee from Serbia, that BiH will be free, a attepmts to take over this country (BiH) will be stopped. Only request was signing peace with Croatia.

Seems to fit into source two and one except the lack of mentioning of Grain region. And except some other things you'll witness.

Now back to Croatian article:

quickly turned into open threats and an ultimatum whose intention was unquestionably to force Croatia and BiH into a corner and finally a shameful agreement which neither Croatia or BiH wanted or could accept.

12:30 admir_m i feel like squeezed in a cornes
12:30 admir_m corner*

Is there a corner? YES

13:00 Cerber two options
13:00 Cerber 1. serbia erases your congress 2 serbia doesn't erase your congress

Do we have an ultimatum? YES

Now let's take a look on the offer once again:

13:07 Cerber 1. Serbia RWs east srpska 2. attacks east srpska 24h after NE 3. Serbia attacks Brcko 24h after to close the war
13:07 Cerber 4. Serbia RWs whole BiH back

13:11 Atea Cerber on the phone again... reading some... I agree on whatever admir_m decides

13:13 admir_m i need 2RWs
13:13 admir_m if not erase us

Now, lt's see: BiH has 4 regions: Brcko District (currently BiH), East Srpska Republic, Federation of BiH and West Srpska Republic (grain region which would be kept by Serbia)
As you can see in mentioned logs BiH was offered to be free except WSR - then why Serbia did not agree to RW 2 regions (ESR and FBiH) - it wouldn't change much, would be more secure for Bosnia - whole process of freeing BiH would take a bit longer, but attacks are free?

And here's the answer:

12:48 Clueless-Djex ne mogu ti odmah pustiti sve jbt 😐(I can't let you all)
14:10 Clueless-Djex zato sto nam federacija treba strateski (because we need Federation for strategic reasons)
14:15 admir_m pokazite da ne zelite (show me that you ca do)
14:15 admir_m dva dana bez Fed se moze (two days without FED(eration of BiH))
14:15 admir_m nemoj me zezati (don't be kidding me)
14:15 Clueless-Djex ne moze.. (can't)

So - whole BiH or only a part = ESR?

Also how we can trust Serbs that they would keep their promise while (the same Cerber who is bored and not interested in everlasting Croatian RL crusade said that the proof of Serbian good will is the fact that they are willing to give regions which they view as cores due to RL), one of their main negotiators is saying:

Clueless Day 1,162, 15:17

Good stuff, true story.

And btw, IRL, half of Bosnia is populated by Serbs (West Srpska, Brcko, East Srpska).
So what we offered were basically our own regions.

So to summarize:
Croatian MoFA wrote that meeting was held (confirmed), it started with Serbian offer (confirmed - we can see Cerber offering free BiH), ultimatum was made (confirmed), they were forced into corner (corner in logs confirmed).

Also we can see some differences in Serbian/Cerber's offer: first whole BiH, then some games, cause they NEd BiH, then something about strategic value of Federation. So from free BiH except grain, we came to free BiH except WSR and Federation.

Not to mention the fact that:

12:21 Cerber so i talked to serbia myself
12:21 Cerber asked them about bih
12:21 Atea to serbia as who?
12:21 Atea who excatly
12:21 Cerber kistru/clueless
12:21 Clueless-Djex kistru

12:21 Clueless-Djex my bnc was on the channel y.

13:26 Kistru admir_m: ja nista nisam rekao I haven't said anything
13:26 admir_m a Cerber prenio tebi Kistru Cerber talked to you Kistru?
13:26 Kistru jel nisam bio online because I wasn't online
13:26 admir_m aha
13:26 admir_m ni ti not you
13:26 Atea eto sad na here we go

13:26 Atea ko je sta rekao cerberu onda? Who said what to Cerber?
13:26 Kistru needz ya help
13:26 Cerber ?
13:26 Atea jel on pricao sa dva bota? he talked with two bots?
13:26 admir_m so Cerber no one was online
13:26 admir_m lol
13:26 Kistru was I online
13:26 Kistru for past few days
13:26 Kistru more then 10 min?

12:21 Cerber so i talked to serbia myself
12:21 Atea who excatly
12:21 Cerber kistru/clueless
12:21 Clueless-Djex kistru

13:26 Kistru admir_m: ja nista nisam rekao
13:26 admir_m so Cerber no one was online
13:26 admir_m lol

Now who is lying?
Cerber claiming that he talked with Serbia, yet they deny? Or maybe Cerber offering whole BiH except grain, yet Clueless says, he can't do that?
Or the claims that they shoved good will and haven't issued ultimatum or more precisely blackmail?

Guess NWO step 3: Turn Poles against Croatia

[00:28:26] but i need polish society to like croatia
[00:28:28] a bit less
is failing.

Cheers. o/
And if by any chance you are not the one bored with defending Croatia and you don't want to let Serbia break to Italy fight in: