How eRepublik LITTERALLY saved my life

Day 922, 16:59 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Penguin

TODAY it is my 1 year anniversery of joining eRepublik, I have made a biography about my time here.

The Fall and Rise of eCanada
Part 1 of 3

My life as a Cog
Part 2 of 3

The Winding Road
Part 3 of 3

But this is a personaly article, it deals with how eRepublik literlay saved my life. This is not fake, this is a true story.

How eRepublik literally saved my life

2009 it was a bad year for me. Very bad, in January, my Uncle passed away, leaving behind 4 kids, the youngest only 13. The funeral was a somber occasion as one would expect. But what I didn’t expect was what happened 14 days later.

My girlfriend, the first girl EVER to give me a chance look past my physical attributes, and look into me, cheated on me. I never would have thought she would have done something like that.

Needless to say it shook my world, but I gave her a second chance, (you can PM me if you wish to know why)

But things went progressively downhill from there, she was in a massively heavy program, and was ALWAYS stressed, and she took it out on me, then get even more angry when I didn’t get angry.

It ended shortly after her 17th birthday, we had just seen a theatrical performance, and it ended in a shouting match in the parking lot.

She and I went our separate ways. (Sort of)

Even though I thought I was over her, I wasn’t, would you? Could you easily get over the first girl to ever give you a chance, to every say she loved you, could you let go, after many years of being harassed and bullied at school? I couldn’t.

My main problem, was I had felt what it had felt like to have someone ‘love’ me, to have someone close, after all those years of having no one, I had someone, then once again I had no one, and it was worse now, because I had felt what is was like to have someone. And I looked for someone hoping that someone would come to my aid when I needed someone. No one did.

After all my years of being the kid that no one liked, having that label put on me by someone who was once so close, just sent me off, into a deep downward spiral.

I lost my taste for food, (and I LOVE food) I began to work out vigorously, minimum of 12 km on my bike a day, and 31km of Sunday. I think this was my way of giving, up, I lost a lot of weight, and I was at one point where I was slowly killing myself, I looked into joining the military, I could have been a way out. But it wasn’t

Then I just stopped doing that too, I locked myself in my room with the blinds shut and watched TV on my laptop. When I had watched ALL of the Simpsons, South Park and family guy, I became bored, my mind drifted, and I almost left, literally I WAS VERY CLOSE. But I just wanted to check an online game, called nation state, one last time, that’s when I saw the ad that changed my life.

The eRepublik ad

I clicked it and signed up, I entered and started playing, it wasn’t much at first, I didn’t even notice it. But gradually I became more and more into this game; it gave me something to look forward to during the day. Something to take my mind of my cruddy life, something to build. I guess you could say.

Whenever life was too much I went to eRepublik read an article, looked at one with pictures of cats, trolled PEACE news papers, it became immersive, and the battle for Canada helped even more.

But it seemed 2009 want to try and get me down, with 2 more deaths (3 if you count my kitty), and a horrid job. But whenever it was too much, I went to eRepublik, it was fun, my little life away from life, and it for sure, was what got me through one of my worst years.

And if it wasn’t here, then well, I probably would be petting my kitty talking with my Uncle.

Thank you eRepublik, and thank you to all who inhabit it.