How did we end up in this???

Day 606, 14:05 Published in USA Hungary by Quicksilver

How did we end up in this???

I read this question in another article, from an eAmerican newbie (Elizabeth Jones - how do you do?), and it was so heartfelt, I almost heard it ringing in my ears... and I saw the answers for it, but they were so woefully inadequate, that I decided to give you one, and I am only asking you to read it first and not dismiss it as PEACE propaganda.

For I am from PEACE, more specifically from Hungary, a country and an alliance that is your enemy, and doing our best to conquer your lands. Yeah, now you know, I am not making excuses, we went to war to win. But as per your question, I, as an outsider can tell you the answer, if only you care to listen.

As far as I can remember, and that is over 7 months now, I saw eUSA on the top of the population rankings, having always more citizens than any other country. I was starting my carreer when you attacked France together with the most of Atlantis, and I saw the dogs of war yelping at the gates of Paris. I moved to France daily to put my then small bricks to the wall, and I was sure that the war could only end one way - eUSA conquering most of France, and Spain, Sweden, Canada and UK dividing the rest. I was oh so wrong... your attacks were repelled like it was so many bugs only, as soon as PEACE could organize its forces. eUSA turned out to be a big, but empty balloon...

To understand this I have researched a lot, for those times there weren't as many marvelous tools as today. I had a company there, I talked to people, I wrote articles there, and I tried to understand this phenomena. What I found then is no secret today, but it was a revelation to me then: eUSA's citizens are mostly dead or dying. You have huge numbers as citizens, but if you check any statistic tool, you will see that about half of them are dying, most of them has bad wellness, and only a fractions is healthy. Why is that so and what does it cause?

It was so, because you only had 2 Q5 hospitals in the whole country, while your citizens mostly lived in their RL regions, scattered in the country - and you still seem to want to stay this way no matter how bad is it for you and your country. It was so, because you had no education programs, mentor-system, tutorials to help new people to get into the game, to understand it, and make the most of it. It was so because you had incompetent leaders, who lived in the dream of a huge country, with most citizens and did nothing to make those citizens active, as you yourself said, to be heard. It was so because you had no training wars or real ones to develop the population and raise general wellness levels.

What did it cause? Well, working and fighting with low wellness makes economy work bad (check eUSA's GDP vs eHungary's here:, not competitive, producing not enough goods and for a high price - producing less in way of taxes too for the government to spend on war for example. My company in the USA worked with imported Hungarian workforce, people whom I mentored and taught and helped to learn to play tis game...

Also, because the population has low wellness, because they are not organized, and communication lines are not implemented for them - they (you) are practically worthless in battles, as a citizen-army, because your government cannot order you to fght in the right place at the right time, and your damage is far to low to make a difference anyway. So eUSA had to, and still has to rely on tanks - but you have less tanks too than PEACE, in fact less than eHungary, because for a good 4 months we have honed our army and aour citizen-army to perfection - meaning to make and coordinate the most damage from the least ammount of gold, while you have to tank battles for a lot of gold, meaning high taxes, and citizens not able to buy their weapons, therefore not developing still...

In the meanwhile, you continued to have a big mouth and proclaim yourselves the Nr 1 power on erep, alienating your allies and turning the other side's attention to you, as main target... so, you failed in economy, in education, in military organisation, and in politics too... that is how you came to be in this predicament. Believing too much in your RL power and not noticing that in this game the power comes differently.

You must work hard to get it.

Like we did, eHungarians.

I wish you luck in rectifying these mistakes. Maybe your generation will actually learn from the mistakes of the previous ones.

And then eUSA can be really live up to its potential.

(former president of eHungary)

A magyar olvasóknak: ez az amerikaiaknak íródott, leírva a hibákat amiket elkövettek, és amik miatt most ebben a kulimászban vannak. Mi már tudjuk mik ezek. 🙂
