Day 606, 07:35 Published in USA USA by Elizabeth Jones

In the three days since I've joined this wonderful world, I've been cast out, ridiculed, called all types of trolls, had my personal email attacked and dissected just because I actually have a portion of my RL name in it, told to sit in a corner and shut my hole. Sheesh. What a welcome?!? I'm just waiting for someone to label me the Hillary Clinton of eMerica (though I love her). But, in the midst of this hazing, I noticed something. There is a large contengency of citizens and potential voters being left unheard...intentionally. That, my friend, is a sad state of affairs. Which just creates an urge of me to ask a simple question: IS YOUR VOICE BEING HEARD?

In each article/opinion that I write, I will ask a question like this that sticks out like a soar thumb...a nail that someone just stepped on. New citizens come in every single day, hour on the hour, minute by minute, etc. This underlining mistrust of them...especially those who come in, read up on how this fascinating world operates, get a general consumption of today's political issues and voices their opinion...to immediately be cast as some type of troll from a foreign nation is absurd. Is this your idea of a welcoming committee? Clearly, I sympathize with the sentiment and worriness of foreign spies coming to our country, trying to influence our government. I get it. I'm with you there. But there has to be a better way of sorting these individuals out. Attacking everyone that's new WHO ACTUALLY HAS A VOICE TO BE HEARD is just crazy and inhumane. But the precious leaders, veterans and the establishment are quick to point out the high number of inactives in this country. You damn right they're inactive. They're inactive because they're not being heard, but instead are chastised and ridiculed for wanting to be heard.

WHERE is the equal representation?

WHERE is the voice for the common man?

WHERE is our protection in this time of chaos and war?

Russia is marching through our country as we speak. New Yorkers are scared of the threat from foreign countries across the Atlantic who are inching closer to attacking through the New England region. But this congress and administration is spending there time on suspect trolls? Let me see your priority list because something's out of wack here.

"Move...move. We're under attack." "Get a moving tix." "Move to FL and NJ, now." The country is going to hell in a handbasket and this is the plan to protect us? This isn't a plan, this is RETREAT. New Yorkers and the rest of the citizens of this country have no one to blame but this do-nothing congress who will do nothing but sit back, raise taxes and bicker over partisan politics. They prefer to personally attack you when you criticize this hopeless government, calling it un-eMerican. It would be un-eMerican of me to sit back and do nothing...say nothing.

My fellow New Yorkers and everyone else across the country who may be reading this: You have a choice. A choice to defend this country or let it collapse. It's become very clear that the establishment will not stand for you and I. I WILL STAND FOR YOU AND I. But I am only one person.

Participate...vote...encourage our government to fight and protect us. We shall no longer be underserved, undervalued and underappreciated.

-Elizabeth Jones