Guy Baumber for Party President

Day 718, 23:06 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Hello there fellow ANP members I have finished my tour and decided to come back here to run for PP and I even have a plan onm how to make us the best .

Now my Vp this Term will be CoreyBlake Why because he is a hardworker and I believe he will do a great Job

Party Advisor
Bass why?? because he is very active and will be a vital asset.
sir_c0nsta why he has alot of experience
Voting teams
Now most of youm are thinking about teams to vote for congressmembers but I think we should have teams to vote up our Members articles this will make our members manifesto's more visible thus having more people read them.

Congress Elections

I believe we need to spread our voters out more so even before elections we tell people who to vote for this will help us become more organized and will prevent what happened this term.

ANP Senator 5 times in a row
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate 2 terms
Apprentice MOFA 1 term
ANP supreme court member 1term
VP of the ANP 1 term

Please note that I haven't got a council sorted yet so if you want to be in the council then PM me

Theses are all the idea's I have so far so vote Guy Baumber for PP of the ANP.

my interviews can be found here