Guess who's back from the sands

Day 1,016, 15:38 Published in Poland Poland by vingaer

Hello, my little hamstas,

I have returned from the sands and I must say I am not pleased with what I see. Cheaters accuse cheaters of cheating 48/24. Relax, people, a year ago this community had some level of culture, and your comments were a bit longer than "BAN POLAND THEY CHEAT".

Still, it's awfully nice to write in H2O2 after being dead for 3 months. Special thanks go to Ariakis, who has been gifting my account for several weeks just to keep me alive. And to whole #epl @ Rizon, may this channel rise and shine for the eternity.

Will you e-marry me, Durruti?

Edit: Under this article, I expect a big flamewar concerning my mum, my dad and my rabbit. Show me the real power of Poland, guys and girls, which is flaming hard on a level higher than quality of all regulations we are obliged to follow. Show me a brilliant, witty, tasteful flaming, which doesn't breach any eR Laws. Show it in comments longer than one word or one line of text. By the end of the day I want to be proud of you and the culture of word you're presenting

Follow Sztandarowy's example, if you have troubles understanding -- that's the man I am proud of atm! o/ And the answer is yes, I will run for pres if you go as my spokesman.

Edit2: Please refrain from writing skanky comments consisting really distasteful allusions to how good or bad I suck certain masculine body parts. If that's your best -- then I may have been way off beam about my expectations regarding your brains. Prove me wrong!