Official Petition for Better Propaghanda+ Media Mogul Medal!

Day 1,016, 09:43 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

Lately we've been swamped with Trash Propaghanda such as This and more recently this. Writting One article a day doesn't make it Quality Trolling. It's an art that I've seen fading away in time. The smileys are ruining it as well. But that's another matter for another story. Back to topic... I miss my old trolls...

Long gone are the Days of Zoli and Gladdos trolling with such grace in the media, they knew the meaning of style. Say what you want about them, at least there was some thought behind the articles and it took them more than 20 seconds and google image to writte them down. Sadly, now we have ostin and co giving the trolls a bad name.

Well I had enought! We want real Propghanda up to standard that we were used to. When I get trolled, I like to get trolled in style. The material we have seen in our media is far from it. Where is the sheer enjoyment in reading article that seem to have been written by 5 year old kids? Look, don't be offended, I know you like those big pictures and everything... but us Citizen of Eden and the Brolliance would like to receive Educated Propaghanda just like we regularly give to you. In this regard, I ask you to think about how you can produce quality material in a more humane way. I love great articles, even if they are made for the purpose of laughting about our country... but please! We want quality!

Here's a few points you should avoid in writting your next article, don't forget, I'm helping you out there...

-Over use of FAIL poster that are totally unrelated

-US FAIL poster, it might be hard if you don't know geography, but Canada and the US is actually two different country, yes I know it's a shocker for you. I'm sure with that kind of info you will be able to impress all your friend in elementary school.

-Claiming that a country Fail when it lose a region that isn't theirs to begin with.

-A ratio of 1 and above of Picture/word

-Poor English that doesn't even make sense. Hell, I think Google Translator could do a better job for you sometimes.

This is really the basis, but I'm sure you could come up with more

And to set the record straight, WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR UK AND FRANCE to make any move at us.


On anoter note, I've had the medal (Media Mogul) for quite some time but I've been unable to writte recently in Canada due to my RL job and of course, Military duty. Nonetheless, I'd like to thanks everyone for helping me make it this far and it's really because of you if I'm there today.

Here's a list of people I would like to thanks for it.

To Banach: For being the first Canadian to truly aspire to Media Mogul a long time ago, you we're the one who inspired me to get it.

To Plugson: For Writting some of the best articles I've seen in my elife, I really wish I could give you the medal I have now, you deserve it a lot more than I do!

To Cavalcanti: For letting me know I should improve the Quality of my work.

To Temujinbc: For being a D/bag, but nonetheless a great canadian! Temujinbc can into MM? 😉

To Jfstpierre and Saradroz: For the numerous FA advice and help that made me writte good Foreign Affair articles at the beginning.

To Only Atoms: For being my most frequent poster in my articles, I've never had anyone following me around like that, never!

And to all the rest for staying around and vote my stuff MERCI!

[version française à venir ce soir]

Don't forget to sign the Petition for Quality Trolling!