Got Moose? Bring the Bromance back to your Bedroom

Day 2,134, 12:56 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The battle lines are clear in this next election. The CPF at least has made itself clear. We support Canada joining CoT. We are fully committed to making the 3 month trial period work. It would appear the leadership of most of the other parties have other plans.

I do not believe these leaders are in touch with the majority of eCanadians or even the majority of their own party members.

I ask that all parties clearly state their position on CoT so that the people of Canada can make an informed choice this election. The CPF has made its position clear. We are pro CoT, we are pro bromance.

Some of these party leaders say the bromance is dead. Well it certainly is if you do not even give it a chance. Maybe they spent too much time living with the enemy during the wipe while we stayed and fought and survived. Now they come back and think we are just going to forget about being kicked in the head while we were down by Spain and ACT/TWO.

ACT/TWO would blow every single one of allies out of our MPP stack as fast as they could run. We would be turning our backs on every nation that aided us in our time of need. Ireland, who's CP took money out his own pocket to give us for the Airstrike.

If people don't care about this, then they are playing the wrong game. It is not all about what is the best strategy for us to sit back in our recliners. It is about loyalty, friendship and brotherhood. It is about emotion wrapped in a flag. CoT is not just the USA. We joined CoT, not the USA. The USA is just one equal member of the alliance. Read the CoT charter it is awesome for a small country like us.

We already had most of our MPP's in place with CoT nations. Even the US was in place for a couple of months now. All we did was add CoT at the end of our name. Name a single game mechanic that changed? Name a single ally we lost?

CoT might not be the strongest alliance in the world but it does have one thing ACT/TWO does not, our actual allies!

Vote CPF. Vote for the team that has a vision that does not involve sleeping with the enemy.

Vote for the leadership that brought you the NAP, that brought you back congress, that brought you CoT. We stand by our record and await your judgement. Thank you for your consideration.

Exalted Druid
CPF Congressman, VP of eCanada
Supporter of CoT