GF Sucks

Day 921, 01:45 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S
Gentlemen, we have a giant article today. It's been approximately four years since we've put out an article for you, so we have some 'splainin to do. Here's the 'splainin: we got lazy. Now for a article.

Kongresselitemen elections
First order of business, I'd like to talk about the greatness that was the night of May 25th, 2010.

S.E.E.S. was doing what it does every night, planning to take over the world in #SEES. But instead of just planning, we were pushing our goal with Kongressional candidates. Out of all the candidates we had, we got in nine quality candidates, one being Necrosis (GF) who is currently being nominated for Speaker of the House and was the first nominee to reach the five needed nominations. GF getting votes/nominations for anything came as a shock but when it comes time to vote and you're a Kongressman, vote for GF since Syrup is a confirmed terrorist.

Also up until this month, S.E.E.S. did not have a top five party for more than a few days, but we still had the snipers and active people to elect nine people in the last three minutes of the election. We successfully elected Necrosis, Onishi, Ben Failey ^-^, Carlos De Leon, rainy sunday, WyrmHero, Jezeriah Newark, and Joshua Patterson. Also, using DISCREET MEANS, we got the AP F mobile voter sheet (official one). Now, for a brief background, AP F has 1702 members and S.E.E.S. has 576 members. S.E.E.S. had more mobile voters than the AP F and every race we intended to win, we did.

Forthcoming Authors' Guild by SEES
The one thing that S.E.E.S. does better than any other party is using the media. Most of our members have popular newspapers except GF since he sucks. S.E.E.S. has started a new media program called the Forthcoming Authors' Guild by SEES. F.A.G.S. will be a program that shows you are a part of the S.E.E.S. machine and tend to write quality articles. The purpose of F.A.G.S. is to show that SEES appreciates quality publications, and to give them a short platform for free advertisement. We have made small but pretty banners for F.A.G.S. to post in their articles which will link to the F.A.G.S. page on our website. F.A.G.S. will slowly allow more members into our tight little F.A.G.S. members list. If you want to apply for membership, don't, it's done by us and we pick who is a quality writer and send them an invitation and will have a custom banner (see below) to let everyone know you are in F.A.G.S. Although, if you want to get our attention, post your article where everyone can see it.

Recruitment Kontest
SEES is quickly losing members due to the former USWP being a deathtrap. While we are gaining members daily, we are also losing former USWPers to death. Therefore, we've decided to do what we do best, and write about how awesome we are. And we're letting you write about how awesome we are, too. (😁) The kontest is simple: write the greatest article you can about how great SEES is, and you'll win gr8 stuffs. We will be sending an undetermined number of writers 6 golds if we think that their articles are worthy of reward. We're keeping ourselves open as to how many we'll send in, because you never know what could happen. We could get a shitload of awesome articles, or we could get one guy who writes like an autistic Indonesian. You never know. We could send out 10 prizes or 2. It's a mystery. Finally, one super great writer will receive a wonderful twelve golds. Yeah, that was spelled out. Fucking twelve. That's as many as three fours. And that's amazing. So like, get writing.

To submit an article, publish it and send the link to this org. We'll get some winners in a week or so.

Exchanging Hard C's with K's is Super Kool
Prove me wrong.

Emerick's Super Soldiers
Around a month and a half ago, we started a venture that every party is seemingly obliged to follow, a militia. A month and a half in, and we are as successful as we usually are. We recently deployed to Nippon-tan with our Fed EZCo brothers and out damaged them almost 3 to 1. This is impressive, as Easy Company is far older and more well established than our noble force. If you feel you should join this magnificent force then please sign up at the S.E.E.S Forums and request to join in the milfag section.

Important Links
The party
The website
The Forum
The wiki article

Finally, I feel this might be the right time to start the petition to change seeker1 to stroker1 officially. Sign below~