Getting Involved: A Guide for Jumping Into the Real Game

Day 1,082, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

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eRepublik allows citizens to take on many different roles within the game, but to perform well in these roles, you have to really get involved in society. This guide explains several methods that a citizen can get involved with the society they live in.

The first thing a citizen must do before getting involved is understand the society they live in. If you haven't already done so, I would suggest reading the guide on this subject, which can be found by clicking here.

Getting Involved

Being part of the society means participating in the many aspects of society. Though it's not required to become involved in all aspects, being part of society means doing some of the following things: writing articles, voting, joining a political party, running for Congress, and taking part in the forums and IRC channels.

Articles have already been described in the previous guide, 'Understanding Society', so this section will focus on actually writing your own articles. Before you can publish articles, you need to start your own Newspaper.

For a picture walk-through on how to do this, check out this tutorial!

When it comes to writing your articles, it is strongly suggested that you take plenty of time to think about what you're going to write. This way you'll have a better idea of both what you want to write about and how to say it. You ultimately have the freedom to write articles about whatever you want, but it is again suggested that you take the time make sure your article is well-written. It is also strongly suggested that after you've finished writing your article, that you take some time to check over your spelling and grammar before publishing. Generally, articles with good spelling and grammar will receive better responses than an article with poor spelling and grammar. With that being said, not all comments about your articles will be positive, but you should not be discouraged if this happens. Writing articles is something that takes time to learn and practice on how to write a good article.

Every month, there are three elections that are held in every eRepublik country. These are the Country Presidential elections, the Party Presidential elections, and the Congressional elections. The elections are held on the 5th, the 15th, and the 25th day of every month, respectively. It is very important that you cast your vote during each election, as this means that you have a say in who runs the country that you live in. It is also good to be informed about who you're voting for when you vote. Usually, all the candidates will publish articles about 'why they should be elected' (or something along those lines), and it is good to read their platforms before voting.

More information can be found about elections in the 'Elections Guide' that I will be pusblishing in the near future. You can subscribe to my newspaper to receive a notification when it is published.

Political Parties in eRepublik are similar to Political Parties in real life. They are groups of individuals with like-minded ideas and thoughts about how the nation should be run. Joining a political party can be both an excellent learning experience and a good way to meet other citizens and get involved.

If you're interested in joining a political party, you can read this guide to learn more about it.

Before you join a party, it is strongly encouraged that you take some time to see what each party represents. Each party is different in their viewpoints about the issues of society, so taking some time to see each party's platforms can really help to find out who you will fit in with best.

After you join a party, I would suggest visiting their forums so that you can truly become involved with them. You can find their forums by going on the party's frontpage, and just under the party name (and a little to the right), there is a picture of two speech bubbles. Clicking on this picture will bring you to the party's “discussion area”, which are their forums (forums will be explained a little below). After taking some time to get used to the forums, you should ask other party members about their IRC channel, and then look into getting involved in that as well.

If you're unable to find a party's forums or IRC channel, you can always send a message to the Party President, asking them about the forum or IRC channel.

Congress is the body of the government that discusses and votes on various laws and other topics in society. They are the law makers of the country. Before you can run for Congress, you have to be part of a Political Party.
Also, many Political Parties have their own procedures and system for Congressional Elections, so it is best to ask your Party's President about running for Congress. They will be the best source of information on this subject.

It is also suggested to take some time to understand what Congress really does before you run for Congress. I will be writing a guide about this subject, to be published at a later time.

Forums and IRC channels are the real places to go to get involved. These are the places where hundreds of citizens gather to chat with each other about eRepublik. Neither the forums or the IRC channels are actually part of the eRepublik website, but instead are created by players using external sources.

If you're unfamiliar with forums, they are essentially an electronic discussion board. Every country has their own national forums, where the majority of eRepublik discussions are held. There are many ways to find your country's forums, the most direct of which would be to ask another citizen where you can find them.

Although every country's forums are different, they should have a section for new citizens. Here, you should be able to get help with any questions you have about the forums or anything in general. It may require some effort exploring the forums to find the information you need, but it is well worth it. After you get used to the forums, they are an invaluable source of information and communication between players.

eCanada's national forums can be found by clicking here

IRC Channels
IRC stands for 'Internet Relay Chat', where an 'IRC Channel' is a chatroom. Every country has their own national IRC channel, just like they have a forum. IRC is used for citizens to gather and talk to each other in real time, and it is a very useful tool that is easy to use.

Usually, you can find information about the IRC channel on the forums. There is also, in many cases, an IRC client directly in the forums, where you can easily join the channel. If you can't find information about IRC on the forums, you can post a thread in the appropriate section of the forums asking about IRC.

eCanada's IRC channel can be found by clicking here.

There are many ways to get involved in eRepublik, each of which is a great experience to learn and meet other citizens. It is also important to get involved, as much of the game has to do with interactions with others. After you've gotten involved in society, you should have enough experience in the eWorld to continue on your own and possibly even start affecting society in your own way. So with that, I wish you good luck on your journey in eRepublik.

If there are any questions about this guide, you can send Kronos Q an in-game message.

Thank you for reading.