Germany and Austria Threaten World

Day 468, 13:14 Published in USA USA by SamWystan

The Fieldist Volume II, Issue 3
The News Hindenburg Doesn't Want You To Know!

Germany and Austria Move Towards Anschluss
Reichspräsident Isy of Germany and Österreichischer Bundespräsident Chicco of Austria have decided to go for the Greater Germany solution, rather than maintaining sovereignty as two separate nations. In a move largely unchallenged by the world, the Bundespräsident sold out his nation by declaring war on Germany, allowing Germany to maintain that Austria attacked first.

However, the real goal of the German-Austrian War for Union is to form a Fourth Reich, one that Reichspräsident Isy proclaimed, "will last a thousand months." We got the inside scoop from a top aide to the Reichspräsident, who refused to give us his name to keep from being executed for treason.

"This is all very good for the German people," said the aide, reclining in a plush leather chair and stroking his black-haired Kaiser Bill mustache. He took a swig from a bottle of peppermint schnapps before continuing, "but this is only the beginning, we want more than just Austria. There are Germanic peoples all over the world, and we must unify them all to make sure that the people of Germany have the right of self-determination, which has been so cruelly denied them due to the passing of time."

He paused to look out a magnificently-adorned window at the Operation Burning Spirit Memorial, and removed his monocle and stalhelm-style helmet to wipe away a tear while he mournfully whispered, "cruel, cruel time." We took the time to help ourselves to some schnapps (it makes the interview a lot easier).

After scratching at his dueling scar, putting the monocle on, and then returning the helmet to his crew-cut, blonde-topped head, he focused his attention back on us. He stood up, with the determination of purpose that only comes from the conquering spirit. "After Austria, it is straight onto the Czech Republic and then Poland, and then..." He drifted off, but smiled a crooked smile.

As we left his office, he asked, "Why does Paris have so many trees?" He then continued, "so the Germans can walk in the shade!"

Trouble Between the Newlyweds
Austrian press is extremely pro-German, with one newspaper maintaining that Austria could not truly expect to survive as an independent nation. If you ever want to see the Fourth Estate fail to do its job (supporting their nation), look no farther than the Austrian media.

However, we at Fieldist managed to meet with some Austrian Nationalists, who have referred to themselves as "Otto von Hapsburg's Heroes." They oppose this German-Austrian Union, and have proclaimed that they will not let the dream of a free Austria be destroyed. We met with their leader, deep in Tyrol, in a mountain hideout unlike any I've seen. She told us that Austria won't go down without fight.

It's in America's and the world's best interest to proclaim this freedom force as the true government of Austria, and assist them in any way we can. Allowing Austria to fall, appeasing Germany because Sweden may have given them a harsh time is the kind of idea that leads to Germany taking control of all of Europe. The Fourth Reich must be prevented.

Fieldist Proven Even More Correct
Operation Taco Bell may be in a lull, but Uncle Sam's plans for Mexico are indeed fulfilling the prophesies found in the Fieldist's inaugural issue. Baja, and Northeast and Northwest Mexico will indeed be kept as the 51st, 52nd, and 53rd states. Furthermore, as predicted in another Fieldist issue, we will be occupying more of Mexico, according to the wishes of the top secret Pan-American lobby. When the war heats up in a few days, look for a few more changes that may increase the accuracy of the Fieldist beyond your wildest dreams.