For Freedom, FOR COREA!!!

Day 951, 17:01 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

Jon Stewart Loves North Corea don't you?

As some of you may remember, a long time ago the US was in some dire straights. Russia was bearing down on the US. Our ultimate bros in North Corea decided to step up and block the Russians for us. The result was the total conquest of Corea, by Russia.

Fast forward a few months and we managed to resurrect the great Corea, only to have it destroyed by the evil Iranians.

The final attempt to free our northern peninsula bros was marred in suspicion and controversy. Corea experienced a fairly odd baby boom. All of the babies had no friends, no newspapers and did not respond to messages. The result was a series of tragedies and lost elections for true Coreans. This baby boom (300+ citizens) was especially odd, seeing as RL North Korea has no internet access (unless Kim Jong Il decided to conquer eRepublik).

Picture of North Corean "babies/legitimate citizens"

So Corea del Norte was lost. However, this month Serbia and Russia decided to epically mess up a series of swaps and attacks on North Corea. The result is a chance for easy citizenship in Corea. As this article by the wonderful Rod Damon points out, North Corea has open citizenship. All you have to do is move to Corea and you will receive citizenship. This will allow you to vote for the ultimate bro.

If you want to help out our bros in Corea then go get citizenship, however make sure to also pm the Strategic Air Command stating you interest in the great Corean ATO op. This will help us get an idea of how many votes we will have come Corean election day. So help out the country that helped us out so long ago.


p.s. I know Corea is spelled Korea, but cool kids spell it with a "C",first person to comment about spelling of Korea I'll report for excessive stupidity.

-Gaius Julius
Proud Friend of Corea