North Korea on the Rise, Almost 300 Citizenships Strong

Day 714, 11:29 Published in North Korea South Korea by Afanasiy Drago

Almost 13 days ago now, North Korea was not a country on the map. It had a mere 60 active players worldwide with citizenship, many of whom had gained their citizenship during our brief appearance on the map for the September Congress elections.

Today, Day 714, we have reached almost 300 citizenship worldwide (despite the fact that we could only approve 10 immigrants for citizenship in Congress for October-November). How is this possible one might ask? I do not have an answer for you, but I can provide you a statistical breakdown of those citizens so we can maybe come to a better understanding of what has occurred.

Of our approximately 300 citizens worldwide, 289 presently live in North Korea.
Of those 289, approximately 225 were created on-or-after October 22nd (stats don't show 22nd-25th, but about 15 new citizens joined the game each day during that period).
Of those 225, all but 37 have uploaded avatars (and 31 of those 37 are on the last 3 pages of citizen rankings).
Of those 225, less than 25 have any friends at all.
Of those 225, only 11 have signed up for the forum.
Of those 225, only 6 have commented on articles.
Of those 225, only 3 have ever messaged me.
Of those 225, only 1 attended the town hall meeting.
Of those 225, 3 have experience points between 60 and 70, 4 have experience points between 50 and 59, 5 have experience points between 40 and 49, 43 have experience points between 30 and 39, 54 have experience points between 20 and 29, and 115 have experience points less than 20.

What does this mean? I don't know. You would think if someone were doing heavy recruiting outside the game, that players would join using their referral link. This does not seem to be the case here.

So are real North Koreans joining the game, and then just being quiet due to the gigantic language barrier (English being practically forbidden in real North Korea)? Highly unlikely, due to the fact that many parts of North Korea are still without electricity, and the internet is only accessible by those within the government, the banking industry, and other smaller industries where internet is required in order to function. It would also be considered a crime against the state to play a game that does not recognize the real Dear Leader as the face of this North Korea.

Well, where does that leave us? I do not know, which is why I am asking you, the citizens, moderators, and administrators of eRepublik, to help determine how North Korea is growing so rapidly, because it is necessary for our long-term stability to understand such things.

Right now, these new citizens make up about 75% of our workforce, so while they still consume products on a daily basis like every other citizen, they are barely producing any for the higher level citizens to consume. Food, gift, and moving ticket shortages are a daily occurrence here due to such high demand and low production, so we need to first figure out why this is happening (and whether or not 20 new citizens continue to join North Korea on a daily basis) in order to make adjustments to fix it.

So please, if you can, do some research to help us understand how we are growing, we would truly appreciate it. We need to get a handle on this before our economy gets out of control.