Federalist No. 9

Day 1,118, 22:04 Published in USA USA by Matthew Laurinavicius

Yes, it's that time of the month again, and no, I'm not talking about your woman's period. I'm talking about election day, more specifically, the Party President elections. And seeing as those elections are just right around the corner, I believe that now is as good a time as any to announce that I am running for re-election as Party President of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Now, I intended to make this announcement in a lengthy, detailed campaign speech in which I would explain why I was running for re-election, why I should be re-elected, and how I would improve the party if re-elected. However, something has come up that has made me decide to write a shorter article to an immediate issue (although that lengthy, detailed campaign speech will still be written and will be published tomorrow). During a discussion on the recent change in the party's name from "The American Party" to the "American Civil Liberties Union" on the party forums, Emperor Rick, a party member and my opponent in the upcoming Party President elections, said something that really got to me: "I also think the Party has a lot of potential but has no direction or engine. Which is why i'm running as Party President."

That really got to me. I thought about all of the time and energy and sweat and tears I had put into this party during my time as Party President. Then I thought about all of the goals I had set for myself and the party and the changes that my term would bring and whether or not I had accomplished them as I said I would. So, let's go through them, shall we?

In my first public statement as Party President, I set up a list of changes that I hoped to implement and goals that I hoped to accomplish during my term. They are as follows:

"First, I shall henceforth establish a policy of the PP, in his/her first public statement after being elected and inaugurated to the position, creating a focus, a collective set of priorities, ranging from one to several (three or four), for that particular term in office. As such, I will only have one focus for my current term: recruitment. As PP, I will spend all of my time building our party from the ground up: recruiting new members, creating a party Executive Board, establishing and expanding party forums, constructing a newspaper conglomerate of sorts to advertise the expansion of our party, etc."

Done! The American Civil Liberties Union as sextupled in size in the past three weeks or so since I became Party President. While that might seem relatively large, it really isn't numerically, at least not when compared to the Top 5 parties, the smallest of which has only 165 members. But for a small, minor party like ours, seven members is a huge deal, as we are proudly now the 13th largest party in the eUnited States out of 54 total parties. A nine-member party Executive Board has been established, but has not been fully filled as not enough party members have been willing to take on these roles. Party forums have been established and expanded and are located here. The "newspaper conglomerate of sorts" has just been completed today by myself and Vice Party President Joseph Dinero and will be unveiled tomorrow in the form of an official party paper. So, all of the objectives so far have been completed beyond even my high expectations.

"Second, both in order to take on a more universal and over-arching viewpoint of politics and to recruit more citizens through this vastly more expansive outlook, the economic and social orientations of the party will be changed, the former from "Far-right" to "Center" and the latter from "Authoritarian" to "Libertarian"."

Done! The American Civil Liberties Union is now a Centrist, Libertarian party open and accessible to members of all of political, social, and economic beliefs.

"Third, for the reasons given for the second change to our party, the name of our party will be changed. "American Fascist Party" is a little overbearing and uninviting, especially in a world where every single governmental system must be democratic. Fascism simply does not and cannot work in the New World. The party's new name will be voted upon by party members at a later date, although, in the meantime, the party's name will be changed to a more universally-inviting one of my personal choice (at the moment, I am leaning towards "The American Party", plain and simple)."

Done! The party name was originally changed to "The American Party" and was then changed again to the "American Civil Liberties Union". The reasoning behind this decision can be found in this article, which announces and explains the decision.

"Fourth, party forums have been created here. If you're interested in learning more about our new party or in joining it, don't just feel free to join, please do so. However, it's still under construction so that should give you an idea of its current state: virtually empty."

Done! The party forums have been created and are gradually being filled up with posts. Make sure you check them out here

"Fifth, a party Executive Board or Cabinet shall henceforth be established to assist and advise the Party President in leading the party. Executive Board/Cabinet positions shall include, but are not limited to: Vice President (assists the President in all making all sorts of policy decisions, as well as working with the Chief of Staff on the organizational end of things), the Chief of Staff (along with the Vice President, is in charge of organizing the party from within), Secretary of State (in charge of relations between our party and all other parties, especially the Top 5 parties, whatever they may be), Secretary of the Press (in charge of our party's relations with the media and our official newspaper, which has yet to be created), the Secretary of the Treasury (in charge of our party's funds, both in raising funds in the form of donations and in allotting them to advertising for both the party itself and for party members running for political office), the Secretary of Education (in charge of teaching new members about the ways and working of the New World, with particular emphasis on the political side of things),and the Deputy Secretary of the Press for Media Design (in charge of creating logos, ads, etc. for the party and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Press). As such, four departments will be established under each of these Secretaries: the State Department (under the Secretary of State), the Department of the Press (under the Secretary of the Press), the Treasury Department (under the Secretary of the Treasury), and the Department of Education (under the Secretary of Education). In addition, a Sub-Department, the Sub-Department of the Press for Media Design with also be established (under the Deputy Secretary of the Press for Media Design)."

Done! The American Civil Liberties Union has established both a nine-member Executive Board and a number of Department and Sub-Departments. Unfortunately, as stated above, only three positions on the Executive Board have been filled (by myself, as Party President, Vice Party president Joseph Dinero, and Secretary of the Press eHeathen), as we do not have enough members to fully staff the Executive Board and only half of our party's members have been able to take on an Executive Board position as of yet.

So, having considered all of the changes I have implemented after promising to do and the goals that I have accomplished after setting them, it suddenly hit me like my ex-girlfrien😛 maybe Emperor Rick was wrong in his belief that the American Civil Liberties Union has no direction or engine; it most certainly does.

Now, I do agree with Emperor Rick that this party has a lot of potential, but he is wrong in the fact that we have no direction or engine. My friends, our direction is upwards and I, as your Party President, am building this engine, this rocket, to propel us in that direction! But I need your help to build this rocket; I surely cannot do it alone.

I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds it: we do, in this party of ours. We hold the future of the New World in our very hands and can shape and mold it to our liking, as long as our party can get off the ground and become a major political force. As your Party President, I give you my word and honor that I will do my best do make that a reality.

So, on election day, December 15, continue to build our rocket to stardom and the stars by re-election myself as Party President. Continue to make our dream of becoming a major political force a reality. Elect Matthew Laurinavicius for Party President on December 15!

Matthew Laurinavicius, Editor-in-Chief of the Federalist Papers, President of the American Civil Liberties Union

P.S. As always, thank you very much for reading this article and please vote and subscribe if you enjoyed it, thought it to be informative and insightful, or wish to join our party. And please, take a chance on a party that's just getting off the ground and join. You'll never know where you might wind up, but trust me, you'll love the ride.