Federalist No. 8

Day 1,117, 18:36 Published in USA USA by Matthew Laurinavicius

The American Party represents all eAmericans. It especially sticks for the little guy, the average, ordinary, everyday eAmerican citizen who doesn't have much of a say in politics and governmental affairs. Thus, in order to further symbolize our representation of and support for all eAmericans, regardless of who they are and their political, social, and economic beliefs, The American Party will be changing its name to the American Civil Liberties Union, after the organization that has fought long and hard for the rights and liberties of Americans for nearly one hundred years.

Despite the name change, the message and mission of this party will not change: we will ceaselessly continue to represent and stand up for all eAmericans! Nor will my focus as Party President change: I will ceaselessly continue to recruit new members and build this party from the ground up!

When our leaders falter, when extremists push their agenda of discrimination and intolerance, when people’s rights are on the line – the ACLU is there.

Matthew Laurinavicius, Editor-in-Chief of the Federalist Papers, President of the American Civil Liberties Union

P.S. As always, thank you very much for reading this article and please vote and subscribe if you enjoyed it, thought it to be informative and insightful, or wish to join our party. And please, take a chance on a party that's just getting off the ground and join. You'll never know where you might wind up, but trust me, you'll love the ride.