Federalist No. 10

Day 1,119, 21:09 Published in USA USA by Matthew Laurinavicius

Yesterday, I published an announcement article to kick off my re-election campaign for President of this fine party. My opponent in this election, Emperor Rick, started his off a little later, at 6:39 this evening, EST with this publication. In his publication, entitled the Ricksist Revolution, Rick does two things: criticize me and my first term in office and give a brief background of himself. So, let's take this bit by bit, starting with the criticism, which is as follows:

"As of right now there is no foundation, and without foundation this party cannot thrive.

Our current party president has had over a month to secure a membership base of 6 individuals. I can do better.
Our current party president talks about a direction but shows no gameplan to execute these ideas. I have a plan, and they will be set in motion.
"American Civil Liberties Union" is a gimmick, a name is nothing without content. I will rename the party to something more appropriate.

Well, that first bit is noticeably wrong, at least in my opinion. I firmly believe that we have a foundation for this party, and that foundation is you and I. We, the current members of this party, are its foundation, provided that we step up and take on leadership roles within our party. By doing so, we can work together to lay more bricks for our party's foundation and future.

On to the second portion: how? How can you do better, Rick? You say that you're going to "start a massive recruitment drive" , but how? What do you intend to do? Do you have a specific, detailed plan for this "massive recruitment drive"? Because, so far, all you've given are generalities and bold plans without a basis. But you are right, Rick, a recruitment drive is necessary. But, unlike you, I have a plan and it's already underway. My Vice President, Joseph Dinero, and I have been working for the past week or so on a detailed recruitment plan through several means. The first is through the formation of an official party newspaper, entitled "The ACLU Today". This paper will include a variety of material related to the party, including frequent updates on the state of the party, interviews with party leaders, candidate speeches, and recruitment articles. It's first article, starting off our recruitment drive, will be published either today and tomorrow in both the official paper and my personal newspaper. This article will be immediately followed by a string of recruitment articles to be published on a to-be-determined regular basis (ranging from every day to every three days), which are currently being worked on. The second method is through a set of standardized personal messages to be sent out to citizens unaffiliated with any political party. Each message will be targeted at a different demographic (i.e. the citizen's level, age, and personal political interests). These messages are currently being worked on (one is done and a second will be completed tonight) and will be unveiled shortly. The third mode is through series' of chain shouts in order to keep citizens, especially party members informed, to recruit new citizens, and to direct them to our articles and papers.

On to Rick's third point: yes, I am talking about the ever-upward direction of our party, but I do have a gameplan. As recruitment has been and will continue to be my main focus as Party President, my plan is heavily focused around recruiting, expanding, and developing our party, the first steps of which I have laid out above. But, Rick, you said you have a plan that you would set in motion if you were elected; but where is it? All I've seen is the general idea that you're going to start "a massive recruitment drive", but nothing specific or in-progress. So, I have my gameplan; where's yours?

On Rick's fourth point: I have given the reasoning behind the name change to the "American Civil Liberties Union" multiple times, so, Rick, how is it a "gimmick" and how is there no content behind it? I fail to see any truth or reality behind either of those assertions. But yes, I did not consult with each and every party member before changing the party name, only a couple. As such, I will set up a poll for all party members to take party in to determine the party's name. But unlike you, Rick, I will never arbitrarily make such an enormous decision as changing the party name by myself, without consulting anyone, as you said you intend to do.

So now, on to the second party of Rick's post: the brief summary of his career. Rick, you have had a long and distinguished career, especially in the military and political realms, and I am glad to have you as a member of our party and would love to have you as a member of our party's Cabinet, as your skills and experience would definitely be an asset for the party. But you seem to be quite a bit about altering the party to fit you and "like-minded individuals", which is not what our party is about. It's about working for the benefit of all eAmericans, not just for a select few, an exemplary goal that anyone can easily support. So, please work with us instead of against us. Like you said, this party has great potential, but it is up to us, you and I, Rick, as well as all of the other members of our party, to develop and further that potential and lay the foundation for our fantastic party! Together, we can do this!

So, come this election day, December 15, continue to lay the foundations of the American Civil Liberties Union by re-electing Matthew Laurinavicius as President of our party!

Matthew Laurinavicius, Editor-in-Chief of the Federalist Papers, President of the American Civil Liberties Union

P.S. As always, thank you very much for reading this article and please vote and subscribe if you enjoyed it, thought it to be informative and insightful, or wish to join our party. And please, take a chance on a party that's just getting off the ground and join. You'll never know where you might wind up, but trust me, you'll love the ride.