Fed Update [The Zooey issue]

Day 860, 17:34 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party

Phew! Elections are over.
Great work everyone! As usual, the Feds had a strong showing, placing blockers and defending against PTOs... we even won a couple races!

Props to Zooey for volunteering to serve as the Fed Party spokesperson.

Actual races won:
Barroom Hero
Talio Extremist

Extra WTF races won:

Vincent85 is an EZC soldier, Fed member and now Congressman. He volunteered to block in elections, and it's a good thing he did. In Guangxi, the primary candidate was banned from the game and the other candidate was a PTOer. Luckily, Vincent85 was there to help secure elections and we successfully blocked the PTO.

We also faced a PTO candidate in Oklahoma, where eliwood_sain was defending his seat. With the help of the CIA and the military, we were able to secure that race, as well.

These situations are exactly why the Feds place such a high priority on blockers and vetting everyone.

Every election we try to improve on the one before. Last month we decided to start organizing blockers earlier and as a result we had more volunteers than ever! We will continue this kind of organization, and even take it a step further by placing earlier and improving our vetting process through the Federalist Bureau of Investigation. For the next election, we hope to increase the level of security and transparency by setting a standard and inviting other parties to meet it.

From this point forward, The Federalist Party has no interest in cooperating or associating with parties that make no effort to provide blockers or prevent PTOs. This is a national issue and as federalists, we believe it is the responsibility of political parties to secure elections. If a party is unable, then they need to make more of an effort. If a party is unwilling, then they don't deserve representation in Congress. Friendly personal relationships are not a good enough reason to overlook failure to secure elections and improve Congress.

We hope the other parties join us in making this a priority going forward.

Fed Election Raffle

Maximus Austinus came up with this great idea to do an IRC raffle on election night. Jeremyr organized the whole thing and it went pretty well. Pretty much everyone won SOMETHING just for doing what we were already doing- watching the elections and waiting to vote.

Read more about how it went here. Expect to see more of these! It was really fun and got everyone more involved. Feel free to stop by #fedpartychat any time. We always have a pretty good time 🙂

POTUS Nomination

Feds, please get on the forum to check out the Presidential candidates in the upcoming election. We are currently trying to decide who the party should be supporting. Although a number of candidates have thrown their hat into the ring, we're finding the selection somewhat lackluster. Get involved in the conversation and let us know who you like for President!

Fed POTUS Primary

While you're on the forum, be sure to stop by the Raffle Board. There's always a chance to win with the Feds!


We are ramping up our recruiting efforts in the Feds. If you would like to get involved in Outreach, Mentoring or Education, please visit the forum and let us know! There are citizens joining every day that could use our help, so please get involved.

For a better party and a better America- Feds4Life