Events unfolded

Day 938, 20:31 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

To start off from my last article, Jbdivinus released an article further explaning the death of the one we know as "Tyler F. Durden" and the mysterious events that occurred.
I do believe that Tyler F. Durden is gone forever from eRepublik, I also believe that he has died in RL, either way he will never make a return to eRepublik which is something we should be sad about.

Today is/was election day, I am calling winners, these stats may or may not change by the time you read this
DAL winner: Lan MacNess 113 votes (46.89😵
2n😛 The Dark Lord Himself 63 votes (26.14😵
In Tyler We Trust, RIP TFD (CPF) winner: jbdivinus 94 votes (54.02😵
2n😛 Wilhelm Gunter 53 votes (30.46😵
Union Nationale winner: Samuel de Champlain 58 votes (56.86😵
2n😛 M. Loiselle 44 votes (43.14😵
EPIC winner: Sperry 35 votes (39.33😵
2n😛 Kronos Q 31 votes (34.83😵
Canadian Empire Party: Alastar Aingleis 70 votes (100.00😵
2n😛 Unopposed

1ronman has announced his run for Prime Minister for the July-August term. 1ronman says "I have many goals and aspirations for the July 5th to August 5th term, but I will wait until later to reveal my plans, ideas for reform, and my incredible Cabinet." It will be interesting to see the July PM election as Dade Pendwyn plans to run for re-election, it will be 1ronman v.s Incumbent if the primaries and parties allow it. My question for 1ronman, who will be your Pepper?

Yes, I'm talking about you

3,000 guns and 10,000 CAD have been stolen from the goverment. Prime Minister Dade Pendwyn is pretty upset by the loss and I don't blame him. Though it is apparent that it was not his or any of his official's faults, it is important for the future of Canada that these thefts stop as they stunt growth in many of the important sectors.

100% political, 101% more fun
The Canadian Empire party is a military-oriented, right-wing political party, but that doesn't mean that we are close minded, we are always looking for fresh ideas and players of all ages to bring diversity and of course, theirselves, if you are interested in joining the CEP or just checking it out you can find the forums here:
You can also PM me or the party president

Clicking "Publish",
Bill Forder