eRepublik - The Next Generation

Day 753, 09:45 Published in Romania Romania by Maurits

Episode 2 is online: eRep TNG – S01E02 - The Old Man



Start the soundtrack to get in the mood! 🙂





Gol😛 the final frontier.

These are the stories of the game eRepublik.

Its continuing mission: to explore strange new bugs,

to seek out new exploits and quick monetization,

to boldly go where no headless chicken has gone before.



Captain's Log - stardate 753.45

Computer: Good morning Captain. It's time for your training session. Lana is waiting for you in holodeck 2.
Picar😛 Lana? Who's Lana?!
Computer: Lana is your new personal trainer. If you want to catch up with Admiral Nechayev's strength she can schedule an advanced session with one of the new dead specialists. Just don't forget to bring your credit card.
Picar😛 Advanced session? Credit card?
Computer: Also, please don't forget to buy food.
Picar😛 Buy food? What the **** happened with the free replicators? Is the Federation going bankrupt?
Computer: The new CAPTCHA system caused the replicators to malfunction.
Picar😛 For God's sake … I'll train later, I'm going to the bridge.

Picard enters the bridge.

Picar😛 At ease, gentlemen. Report!
Worf: Sir, our long range sensors have detected an enemy ship.
Data: It's a romulan headless warbird Sir.
Picar😛 On screen!


