eRep TNG – S01E02 - The Old Man

Day 754, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania by Maurits

Following the success of the pilot episode "eRepublik - The Next Generation", the management decided to continue the series.

This episode has been approved for all audiences but requires basic knowledge of the romanian political scene of the past 6 weeks.



Start the soundtrack to get in the mood! 🙂





Gol😛 the final frontier.

These are the stories of the game eRepublik.

Its continuing mission: to explore strange new bugs,

to seek out new exploits and quick monetization,

to boldly go where no headless chicken has gone before.



Captain's Log - stardate 754.15

“We are pursuing a five day mission in the Tyrelian system. Our science team will explore Camelon 3, an inhabited type A planet, rich in dilithium minerals. Commander Data will be leading the landing team.”

Picar😛 Commander Data, is the away team ready?
Data: Yes Captain, we are standing by in transporter room 2
Picar😛 Very well Commander. On your way!

The away team is beamed to the surface of the planet.

Data: Captain, I'm picking up a life form signal on my tricorder. It seems to be located in a cave not far from our position. Request permission to explore the cave, Captain.
Picar😛 Permission granted.

Data is beamed into the cave.

Data: Captain, the cave walls are all painted in yellow … I see an old man standing in front of a computer. He's wearing red clothes. I believe it's a ... Santa costume, Sir.
Picar😛 Data, what is that mumbling?
Data: Captain, it's the old man repeating something. I believe it's an old romanian saying “Să ne-auzim imperialişti”. That can be translated as „let us be imperialists”. However, the old man seems to be in hibernation. Judging from the mechanical wear of his pointing device (aka mouse) he's only pressing the buttons twice a day, Sir. There is also a big button next to the keyboard that seems to have never been pressed!?
Picar😛 Very well Commander, leave him a generous supply of pickles and return to the ship. Picard out!


