Erep Is Dead

Day 1,017, 13:58 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Do you know why? This article explains why.

It is sad how the high ranked erep staff have become deaf. Tickets are useless now, no matter how many are sent in. PTOs are common now, Erep won't help anymore.

Pay gold here, you get 200% more! Oh and here, and here, and HERE! To help younger citizens, my ass. They can't afford that, dumbasses!

When I joined Erep in may, Poland and Serbia had both around 39 000 citizens. Now: 19 000. About 50% of their citizens left after Rising was implemented. All because of V2 or as I like to call it, V@sshole. As BattalGazi sai😛' I don't want to play Erep with 50k players. I want to play with 500k.' Never again will it happen in V@sshole.

Chocolate McSkittles had a wonderful article that Erep staff should read.

All I ask for is some sand. I want my sand back.

And so, I stay in Erepublik in the hope of a hope that Erepublik will find a cure for deafness, to realise that players are leaving, and to KNOW that change is not always good.


To change.

Your Mourning Journalist,
George Beeman