eRep in Maps - September 4th

Day 654, 18:17 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

The admins giveth, and the admins taketh away edition
Also known as the 'excellent' edition.
I doubt any single permanent suspension has ever caused as much havoc and confusion as this one.


* The Theocracy began a resistance in the high grain region of Gyeonggi-do in an attempt to liberate South Korea before presidential elections tomorrow. The last attempt at South Korean independence was interrupted by these same Theocrats winning a majority in Congress; since then, Japan has reformed their union by conquering the freed South Korean territory. Started by Cidadao, this resistance promises to be heavily contested - as the Theocrats include a number of powerful veteran players in their ranks. As I have stated earlier, I am treating the Theocracy as a country, currently without territory, much like the Knights of Malta. Marked as resistance of Theocracy vs Japan.

* Indonesia's president wizzie_don, was permanently banned 'for properties obtained through an illegal or unjust method.' Without a president, a country has no one to press the attack button. But wait! Couldn't Indonesia impeach wizzie_don, and get a new president that way? Why yes, ordinarily they could. However between the start of the 4th of the month and the end of the 5th of the month proposing a “Presidential Impeachment” law is not possible anymore. This is because presidential elections take place on the fifth, and if an impeachment were allowed to be proposed on the fourth, an impeachment could be proposed and then sit there like a landmine, waiting to be exploded when the newly elected president takes office. In order to prevent new presidents from being taken out by impeachment laws started during the old presidents term, this rule was put in place. It is a good rule. Makes sense. However, it completely screws over Indonesia right now. It means that the Arizona battle will expire, with a win for America, and no new battle will be placed to keep initiative, and America will get initiative.

Editor's commentary
* Was Indonesia's initiative guaranteed if the banning had not taken place? No. There was an open possibility they would have lost it anyway in the next three actions. The path to that goes like this: Arizona is about to be secured. Indonesia forced to attack Oregon or Nevada to maintain initiative. Arizona is secured. Canada opens a war with Indonesia. US co-ordinates attack with Canada, letting Canada know the moment the US retreats Oregon/Nevada. Then like Hungry Hungry Hippos frantically going after the last marble, Indonesia attempts to attack Canadian Idaho from their new state, while Canada frenetically attempts to attack Indonesia. Whoever gets in the attack first, wins initiative. If Canada were to get the battle, Indonesia would be pinned, with Canada and the US alternating attacks on Indonesia. If Indonesia were to win, however, Canada's initiative would be lost and within 24 hours, Russia and possibly Hungary, would be freed from attack, and gain initiative. Unless of course Sweden were to attack both and crush their initiative, but now I'm getting into flights of fancy land here. The other option would have been that the US retreats any attack on Nevada and Oregon, as well as possibly Arizona, forcing Indonesia to have one border with us, allowing us to get initiative after a successful defense. Thus you can see that there were many possibilities open. However, the admins handed the US a gift.

North America

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* The first two of the forced landswaps Russia did to close their border with Canada finished, placing the states of Michigan and Ohio back in US hands. As this was less a liberation and more of a hostile action, and a fairly clever one to boot, I'm marking these as diabolical landswaps, with Russia as the attacker and the winner. The Russian hero awards, those fighting for the resistance, were both grabbed by the Russian parter. Parter also started both these resistance wars, taking home four awards total. Parter loves awards. Rumor is he's adding a trophy room to his house as we speak. The American heroes were Croatian dakyk1, and the Turk emremania. We can assume emremania did it for the battle hero award, as I doubt he was so confused as to think he was helping Russia.

* Canada initiated an attack/resistance war double whammy against Hungarian held Saskatchewan. The Romanian Mistwalker started the resistance war. This was done to mantain initiative as Hungary was about to win the double whammy in Montana.

* The Fortis double whammy against Hungarian held Montana was defeated, or at least half defeated. This one was unique in that PEACE wanted the resistance war to succeed in order to give Montana back to the United States. Even though Montana is Hungarian held, the fear is that should Canada win Montana, Canada would again increase it's border regions with Russia. So given that, PEACE fought to defeat Canada's attack and win the resistance war, granting the US Montana. Fortis/EDEN fought to win Canada's attack and crush the resistance war. An unusual double whammy indeed. Given that, the Heroes for Hungary were the Hungarians LV426 and Bcsaba. The heroes for Fortis were the Greek andreas giannopoulos, and the Romanian dece.

* America secured Arizona against Indonesia's attack. The wall before the close of battle had reached almost a million points for the defender. Normally at this point Indonesia would have attacked Nevada (or Oregon) already to keep initiative, but as Indonesia has no president available, there is no one to press the attack button. The battle closed, for a US win, and now the US has initiative for twenty four hours against Indonesia. As long as France or Portugal don't attack the US, or Mexico declares a war on the US and attacks, expect America to attack California. Remember both Portugal and Mexico have non-aggression contracts in force, so do not expect them to attack. France is busy and the odds of France attacking are low, as they have yet to attack the US to date. The Indonesia hero was Ysuol, a Hungarian sporting Moldavian citizenship. The American hero was Louis David White from the Greek Elite Forces.

* The second US assault on California begins. Emerick pressed the attack button about an hour after the battle for Arizona closed. Last time the US assaulted California, Canada was busy capturing Ontario, Croatia was beating off a Serb attack, and Spain was capturing Asturias. This time the allies appear to only have to worry about the forced landswaps from Russia, and even that matters little as the US may now keep Russia's initiative suppressed.

* Canada opened a resistance war/attack double whammy against Russia in Maine. Lobster prices were reported to have spiked. LLuX the Croatian opened the resistance war. This was done to keep initiative as the double whammy in Vermont was about to close.

* The double whammy against Russia in Vermont closed. While Vermont was secured against the Canadian attack, the resistance was allowed to succeed, in order to close Canada's borders with Russia. In the attack by Canada, the Russian hero was MalditaFaca, a Brazilian, which makes sense. In the attack by Canada the Canadian hero was Filurkatten, a Croatian sporting a very sneaky Hungarian elite forces avatar with a twist. The hero for the successful resistance and Russia: McCart thesecond, a Peruvian. The hero for Fortis was Nando_Torres an Indonesian, who did it for the hero award, his first.

* The attempted diabolical landswap in Canadian held Idaho closed with the forces of Fortis carrying the day. With all the existing fronts for Russia, they did not fight to hard here. The hero for Fortis was Croatian BlackCarMafia. The Hero for Russia was Swedish citizen Jensapensa, who given the foregone conclusion of the battle, did it for the battle hero award.

* The diabolical landswap in Utah succeeded, with the border state being handed back to the US. The Russian hero, fighting for the resistance was BattalGazi, a Turk who apparently wanders wherever her heart takes her. The hero for Fortis was the Hungarian norbee88, who did it for his first battle hero award. Remember, if the battle is a foregone conclusion with low damage totals, small mini tanks may fight for the other side to get that first hero award, knowing it does not affect the outcome.

* The diabolical landswap in Wyoming succeeded, with the border state being handed back to the US. The Russian hero, fighting for the resistance was the Indonesian koruptor. The hero for Fortis was Iranian ashi_bomba, doing it for the award.

* The final diabolical landswap in New Hampshire succeeded as well. The Russian hero was Indonesian tank NicoSianipar. The American hero was Wu70, a Polish citizen.

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* And just because I love the diabolical land swap blazon so much, here are all the diabolical landswaps, failed or otherwise in one map!

reported by Pangolin

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* Galicia was returned to Spain by the resistance started by docjones. The French hero was Melkion, a French Field Marshal who won his 14th battle hero medal with 4014 damage. The Spanish Field Marshal, Sccott, won the medal for red. This was his 5th overall, earned on 8923 damage.

* Transnistria was liberated from Ukraine, doubling the number of territories held by Moldavia. This was a land swap, as the Ukrainian President was bound by contract with the Romanian PTO to free this territory.

* Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg was landswapped back to Germany by Hungary through resistance war.

* Latvia restarted the world's largest training war by attacking Samogitia, Lithuania. Bolivia, Portugal, Brazil and Turkey are the newest participants in this 31 nation affair. Due to the massive lopsidedness of this training war, Latvia vs 31 countries, there is little need to worry about hostile forces attacking at the end to take advantage of the new retreat button functionality, or lack of it.

Editor's note on Europe
Notice the lack of new battles starting? It's because everybody who is anybody in going to be in California.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.
* Malaysia and allies turned the Philippines away from Sabah in their regular training war.

Thanks for reading, and if you like it, could you help me by voting up the Swedish edition of this paper?
Or not. 😃