eRep in Maps - September 3rd

Day 653, 20:23 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

North America
* Stay focused, as the events today in North America are complicated.

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* Russia secured the double whammy against Vermont. The Russian heroes were Jeunny, a Bulgarian and Budi Setiawan, an Indonesian. The Canadian/American heroes were... parter, the Russian and TheImmortalOne, a Romanian. Why was parter a hero for US/Canada? More than likely because by this point the Russian command had gone out to force landswap all Russian held territory that borders Canada back to the US through resistance wars. Parter was the hero in the resistance war, which would have accomplished this goal.

* Resistance wars were started in Ohio and Michigan by the Russian parter. These are part of the plan to give Russian occupied US states that border Canada back to the US, to prevent Canada from keeping Russia's initiative suppressed through constant attacks. Consider these resistance wars a form of hostile landswapping.

* An attack/resistance war double whammy was begun against Hungarian held Montana. This was to keep Hungary's initiative suppressed as the double whammy in Nunavut was about to close. The resistance war part of the whammy was started by mogwaiii, sporting a mock Hungarian elite forces avatar, with the Croatian colors instead of the Hungarian colors.

* The attack/resistance war double whammy by Canada against Hungarian controlled Nunavut came to a close, with Hungary winning. The Hungarian heroes were Kampec and Thani, both Hungarians. The Canadian heroes were Jondalar, a Spanish tank, and JuniorSoprano, a Croatian tank.

* Canada initiated a double whammy against Russian Vermont as the double whammy in Idaho was about to close. The resistance war was started by the Romanian Mesther.

* Note: At this point Russia initiated a resistance war in Idaho, started by UncleDeD, as part of the plan to retreat from Canada's border. This was to fail, almost instantly as...

* The Canadian attack against Russia in Idaho closed with Canada winning Idaho from Russia. This closed the aforementioned resistance war. Lol, fail. This win is VERY IMPORTANT. It allows a possible border with Indonesia, should the US retreat a Nevada battle, giving Nevada to Indonesia. Canada could then attack Indonesia, putting Indonesia back on the defensive. The Canadian hero was Romanian Kidu. The Russian hero Ukranian BattalGazi.

* Russia secured Pennsylvania from Canada's attack. The Russian hero was Japan's #1 citizen: mAonK. The Canadian hero was home citizen Billy Bob Joe.

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* PEACE launched four resistance wars, all an attempt at forced landswaps, in an effort to remove all borders Russia shares with Canada, thus preventing Canada from suppressing Russia's initiative, and allowing Russia to go on the offensive against the United States. The four locations of the resistance wars are New Hampshire, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. The four resistance wars were started by Russian Edward Edison, Iranian atropates, Russian Smirnoff, and Indonesian Bima, respectively. I am marking the resistance war in Idaho as USA vs Russia, not USA vs Canada, as that would be absurd.

* Indonesia continued its tactic of multi attacking and retreating Nevada and Arizona, attacking one just before retreating the other. This is an attempt to waste as much defender wall building damage as possible, as the early retreats are not being done to maintain initiative, as initiative keeping can still be done with the old fashioned attack another region before another 24 hour battle ends. The short 5 hour long wall draining attacks will receive a new action icon, that of a crumbling wall. No battle hero awards will be reported for those. The chain of events is follows: An open battle in Nevada exists. Indonesia initiates a wall drain attack on Arizona. Wall drain closes (not marked, and is assumed). Arizona is attacked again with a wall drain. The open, and 24 hour, battle in Nevada closes. Indonesia initiates a wall drain on Nevada. Wall drain in Arizona closes. Arizona attacked for a normal 24 hour battle. Wall drain in Nevada closes. The hero for Indonesia in the incoming 24 hour Nevada battle was (*cough😉 cleverly name Ras Tafari, an Indonesian. The American hero was the Swede Bic deWille.
* If you followed that, congratulations! This new tactic makes my head hurt, for sure.

reported by Pangolin

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* The Spanish liberation made its next target Galicia, with a resistance war started by docjones.
* The Balearic Islands are once again Spanish, having been conquered in the resistance war started by Xirgu. French aircraft hangers on Ibiza are already being converted back into nightclubs. For France, the hero was the citizen of Turkey Diabolus1907. The Spanish hero was the Spanish citizen Sccott, who is closing in on his 4th super soldier medal.

* A resistance was started in Transnistria to return a second territory to Moldavia, in keeping with the contract between the Ukrainian President and the Romanian-controlled Congress of Ukraine. This land swap was started by Crazy Man, a Romanian with two media mogul medals but no resistance hero awards, who paid 15 Gold to the Central Bank of Moldova for the opportunity.

* Hungary continued the process of returning German lands by starting a resistance in the territory of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. On a related note, Soylent Green goulash is now strictly vegetarian until a new supply of Hamburgers can be found.
* Baden-Wurttemberg was returned to Germany, by resistance war, in a land swap with Hungary.

reported by Pangolin

* The Philippines renewed their training war against Malaysia in Sabah, with Italy joining the festivities for the first time today.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.
* Samogitia remained Lithuanian after the training war versus Latvia. The world's largest training war will include more than half of the nations on eEarth when it next resumes, due to a spate of alliance-signing by Lithuania today.

Thanks for reading!