Era of McCravok; Platform and Cabinet

Day 994, 13:24 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
UIP; Vote McCravok In the primary, found on our forums!

Now with J03 Freyer's Endorsement (UIP PP, July-August):
Hey, I would endorse you on your article, but something weird happened while reading it. So yeah, consider yourself endorsed.

Vice President: Shino336

CoS: Chris Shnitzel
-Deputy CoS: Robert Grosseteste

Secretary of Elections: Doe22

Secretary of Members: H20 Tar Heel
-Chief of Members: Richthedog

Secretary of Recruitment: comandokiller

Secretary of Publications: Robert Loggia
-Chief of Publications: HobbitTon

Secretary of Communications: Pheno Sony

Secretary of Education: KillerAtLarge

Secretary of Technology: Chris Shnitzel/Shino336/AndraX3000

Secretary of Fun: Justin McCravok

Secretary of Independence Investigation Service: CrayolaButthole/Crayolaman101
-Chief of IIS: Caden_Wayne

Commander of the UIP Militia: Kazeal

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

"The real leader has no need to lead--
he is content to point the way."
- Henry Miller

Ladies and Gentlemen of the eUSA and United Independents Party,
For those of you who are unaware, I, Justin McCravok, will be running for UIP Party President on August 15th. My initial announcement can be found on the UIP Forums here.

These guys may be old and some of them may be dead, but they have/had experience.

Why Me?
Hint: EXP
So, why should you vote Justin McCravok as UIP Party President? Simply said, I've spent more time and have had more experience in the UIP than my opponent, Pheno Sony. Although I will admit that Pheno has been in eRepublik longer, and perhaps done more then me outside of the party, I do feel that UIP-wise, I've done much of what I have wished to accomplish. Back in the month of January, around day 15 of when I first started playing eRepublik, I was given a spot in the cabinet as Secretary of Publications under the reign of Tepwnzor. Learning the game through the UIP and enhancing my writing abilities, I would continue to serve as Secretary of Publications for three months. Along the way, I would also become the Ambassador of the eUNL and a Congressman of Washington D.C. After a little complaint about my position and it's lack of excitement, I was promoted to Secretary of Elections, a position I would hold during the months of May and June. June also included my holding of the Vice Party President position, a position I would relinquish on the 1st of July (GF Day) due to flagrant ties with the party president.

Look how much fun he's having pushing that button; I want to have that much fun!

Why Me Pt. 2
Hint: Fun
Justin McCravok will put the FUN back into UIP. Over the past two months, I've been constantly whining and complaining that the UIP isn't fun anymore, and never did anything about it...I probably made thigns worse (See Pt. 3). Well, if elected as party president, I can absolutely assure that everything we do will have an aspect of fun involved. No more will we rely on JUST the Secretary of Fun to provide us with entertainment, but as party president, I will do my best to keep everyone happy. Some examples of ideas to keep a little bit of fun around? Send a weekly message on the UIP Forums of a goofy picture(s), videos, topics, games, etc. Or, we could assign a Chief of Fun that would write funny articles to post in the UIP Newspaper. Happiness is the key to a healthy family, and the UIP is one giant family. (insert more corny lines here)

It's my time to shine (Haha, pun, get it? Because he's shining? Man I'm funny!)

Why Me Pt. 3
Hint: Something to Prove
Earlier, I talked a little about how I only served a half term as Vice Party President because of bad ties between the Party President and I. Although I'd love to say that it was all Herr Nicholas's fault, the party president at the time, I know it's not true. Week after week of his term, I would bash him for not being active enough within the party. Although it was clear that he was doing his best, I always stood in the way, and mainly, I'm the reason that the blood between us had gotten to such a low point. It wasn't fun, it was overdramatic, it led to too many problems; I ended up disobeying his orders near the end of the term and ended up switching parties for a few days before returning unofficially. I then headed off to vacation, hoping that the problem would dissolve, and guess what? It really hasn't. There are still some UIPers upset with me, and rightfully so. That's why I feel that I'm obligated to do something big to win them all back; I'm obligated to attempt to be one of the best party presidents the UIP has ever seen. I made a mistake, but that mistake will not hold me back. It's time to move on to bigger things and not let this single incident hold me back. I hope everyone reading can understand where I'm coming from and manage to find a way to look past what happened.

There you have it peepz, now you know some of my goals and some of my truths. I hope that you enjoyed reading my party presidential platform, and that on the 15th of August, you'll choose me to be the next UIP Party President. My Cabinet and Vice President will be announced in a short while, after I get everything sorted out. If you have any questions or concerns, please, message me either on the UIP Forums, eUS Forums or eRepublik Main Website.

Cheers and o7 to all