End of An Era, For Real

Day 1,178, 14:35 Published in USA USA by Glove

Fellow Americans, Seeslings, Friends,

We died last month. The 15th to be exact. This is no longer the party of Emerick. He is not our Leader. I renounce any allegiance to Emerick, we are no longer his followers. We all have the potential to be Emerick, better than him, but we can’t do it in the condition we are in now. You may disagree, you may even call me a traitor, but we would be liars if we said we are still S.E.E.S. Emerick clearly doesn’t believe we are S.E.E.S. He has lost hope, even after championing the “revival” of the party not too long ago. We have died several times, but now we have been buried and there is no one to help us out. It’s going down today.

I am just like you, I have served this party with undying loyalty, as I know you have all done as well. But now we must face the grim reality, this party is holding us back. There are several of you who can do much better without it. We were never designed to be a party, everything about S.E.E.S goes against what makes a party strong and stable. We will be a 6th party at this rate, there is no changing this. I decided to run as party president candidate. I wanted to be a die-hard S.E.E.Sling and refuse to accept the fact S.E.E.S is gone and build the party back up, but I can’t, it took me a while to understand this, you can’t, we must understand this fact. This is the end. But I will continue to run, so that we may all transition into the new phase. Ryan will take over once we have transitioned. In the new phase this will be gone and you will be free to do as you please, stay or leave, it is up to you. I personally will be leaving the party after this, I think of this with a heavy heart but it is no longer the movement I joined. I don't think anyone will think less of you if you follow suit.

S.E.E.S was unlike any other party. It started off as a mercenary group. Then as it grew in popularity, it became a party. We were at one time so powerful every other party in the nation feared and loathed us. We even expanded globally, with operations in Nippon and South Afrika.

We are now a joke. We barely have enough blockers each month and our membership continues to decline. We all want to revert to the old S.E.E.S, the S.E.E.S that didn’t care about anything and broke every rule while still being highly influential with a strong power base.

Any attempt to recreate the old S.E.E.S is a perverted disgrace to its past.

From S.E.E.S came many great things as well as bad. St Krems is one example. Krems turned Russia into a UIP-colored rainbow. American citizens were excited, the first S.E.E.S president did extremely well, it felt good to be a SEESling and an American. With our network of quality writers and propagandist, we made any other president at the time look like an utter failure. We produced quality congressman even though Kongress was never something valued in S.E.E.S. Over time, S.E.E.S became into the bad thing it is now. A declining, stagnant, irrelevant party. We have a severe shortage of aspiring members, everyone likes the norm and the simple fact of being around. We’re the high school drop out who lives off welfare and doesn’t bother making anything of himself. The kid who thinks eating and sleeping is all that one should strive for. To put it bluntly, S.E.E.S is a rotten apple now, its stinking up the place and its time for it to get thrown away. Maybe someone will take out the seeds and some time from now it will grow anew, but for now, the apple must go.

I don’t want to say goodbye. But rather, “Until we meet again.”

We are Dio.
You Are Dio.
I am Dio.