EDEN =/= Phoenix

Day 861, 19:23 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Recently, on my never ending quest through the media of this fair eRepublik a certain comment caught my eye. I was reading this article and skimmed the comments so I could see who had fallen for such an obvious troll. The usual suspects were there but I was surprised to see our own President listed as one of the victims. However, it was not the fact that PigInZen fell for this troll bait that truly shocked me, but rather the content of his comment.

The offending comment - click here for full size.

Now I could launch on a diatribe on why our country's leader posting such a thing is frankly reckless as it implies we have a new foreign policy very much contrary to our publicly stated one. I could stand here and preach a full sermon on how this statement does nothing but harm the already brittle relations we have with our allies. I could deliver a whole host of reprimands based on the fact that PigInZen is our President and his words carry weight, no matter how off-handily he may say them. However, I won't. He's under enough stress, we can forgive him the odd throw away remark.

Instead lets look at what he actually said, not the context. "EDEN == Phoenix". Anyone who knows PigInZen will tell you that if he truly believes this then it would have played a huge factor in his decision to have the eUS leave EDEN and could be responsible for why the Executive Branch has pushed congress so hard to vote yes on the proposal to withdrawal from the alliance.

This reasoning is one that I can simply not follow. You are the star quarterback for your Home Town American Football team, The Ohio Hicks 😉. Your town has had a rivalry with the team from the next county over for as long as anyone can remember. It is half-time in The Big Game.

Say that while quaffing some Gatoraid you suddenly realised that there is no moral difference between the two teams, both have some great people in them and both have some twats. If, based on this revelation, you declared that you would no longer play for the Ohio Hicks but rather seek the middle ground do you think that anyone in your town would respect you? Of course not, they would ask what the hell you are talking about, tell you to sort your mind out and then get back to playing the game. In fact, the other town would probably say the same thing.

In the end this is a game and Phoenix are the other side. It doesn't matter if they happen to be nice guys or our team happen to be jerks, we are in this game to win. Now get back out there, America, and show some hustle!