EDEN: Free France!

Day 825, 00:34 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden


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Last summer, France was used by PEACE:GC to lead the North American Invasion, now known as WW3. France destroyed all of Canada's infrastructure and cut our population almost in half because of the timing of the war and of the Citizenship Module introduced on Day 617.

Canada was one of the countries that had an axe to grind against France...well, most of us anyways.

As we all know, we rose up and defeated the French invaders and EDEN Member State Spain exacted the revenge that Canada was not prepared to follow thru on and razed France to the ground for their 'Joie/Happiness' role in doing the same to Canada and our ally - Spain.

Today, France is occupied jointly by Spain and Poland.

Click Image for larger version

France has paid the price. They have experienced that
which they put us thru when they led the attack upon our
beloved Canada and destroyed it.

An uncomfortable question must be asked however by Canadians:
Will the French seek revenge by immigrating to Canada
and using the Quebecois Canadians and their ethnocentric
Union Nationale Party as a launchpad for a Canadian PTO
attempt while their homeland lay in smoldering ruins?
Should we dismiss this notion out of hand because it makes
us uncomfortable, or give it the due attention it deserves?

Many have already been granted citizenship - including proven traitors with CSIS warrants of arrest who fought alongside the invaders against Canada! One in particular is now Running for our Congress! His Party leadership was informed last Congress elections that he was not eligible to run for Congress because of his treason - yet that did not stop him from contacting every Top 5 Party President seeking candidacy! Now it appears that the heavily French National influenced Union Nationale Party is lifting it's nose and ignoring Canada's Security community and is clearly pursuing an agenda - but what agenda is that? They say that they speak for all of Canada...but how can this be true when they permit traitors of Canada to stand for our NATIONAL CONGRESS?!? He has already denied these allegations on his Congressional Presentation, but here is EVIDENCE of his anti-Canadian activities during war. Some would call it treason to fight against your own country. People like him call it patriotism.

And where oh where is Augustus Baldwin? Why do I ask? His favourite nemesis, the anti-Canadian seperatist Bruno Tremblay is back in Canada thanks to Fox Blutch, Party President of the Union Nationale. Augustus Baldwin has been AWOL for ages with a standing XP count of 4004. If you look at his XP today - it is 4005...he must have voted somewhere - and as recently as the Country President elections. 😉

There is also the Democracy for Sale Scandal in which the Union Nationale tried to extort 5 gold from non Top 5 Parties who wanted representation in Canada's Congress. Not a guaranteed seat mind you - but just to run! Surely no self respecting Canadian would extort his fellow countrymen for the chance to run for Congress? I know the usual suspects will try and deflect this FACT by saying that they reversed this most embarrassing scandal by refunding the 5 gold paid by all candidates - but the fact remains - they DID IT! They will say that I did it to them for 'payment' for endorsing Derek Harland in January and jbdivinus in February - but those two Union Nationale congressmen were the asking price for Union Nationale endorsement for those two CP candidates!

Just to clear the air on an issue that has been burning up the presses recently... The CPF and DAL approached the Union Nationale PP Omega1759 in December and asked if the UN would consider endorsing our joint ticket and he said he wanted 4 Union Nationale members to run in the CPF and DAL for Congress. When we hung up the phone on that demand, the deal was later settled on one candidate each to run in Quebec - one with the DAL and one with the CPF. This was AFTER the CPF had already run Ozzel O'Dunn for Congress under the CPF banner - FREE OF 'CHARGE' I might add and this is how I get stabbed in the back for it? I contacted Omega1759 in November of '09 to send a candidate because I felt the Quebecois were underrepresented in Canada's Congress and deserved to have a presence in our nation's Legislature. NOBODY can deny this!. Omega1759 has been parading around telling everyone who would listen that the CPF charged him gold or that the Congressmen who ran under the CPF banner were a fee that had to be paid, but that is simply not true - and he, Scorpius, Citizen B and SpockPQ and I all know it. The FEE was Omega1759's, and I do NOT appreciate being called a liar and having him cover up his own party's scandals by painting them on the CPF, or the DAL for that matter.

That being said...

I propose that we, as a EDEN Member State press to return France to the French, and allow peaceful bonds to grow between our two nations and with EDEN itself. It is time to let the French return to their homeland and a natural balance to return. We do not need another war between an ethnically split Canada and France. We do NOT need to provide the means for revenge to be enacted against us FROM WITHIN!


It is Time!
