Econ of Voting: Endorsing SaraDroz for CP

Day 1,591, 00:47 Published in Canada Canada by lucifer_ultionis

The Economics of Voting:
There are two types of candidates for Congress and Country Presidency:
1. Those that will give you bribes to vote for them and promise much (I call them Lenins)
2. And Those that just promise much 🙂

Well here's another type of candidate that will get my vote for sure: SaraDroz
and plz take a look at ther campaign article
and tell me what you think of her proposed policies.

I know Sara is a very active user that likes using seminal strategic concepts to play this game.

I wonder if Rolo will endorse her candidacy, I expect it'll be cheaper for him to do so.

And a message for newbies that are willing to get bribes in order to vote, rather than fight for their ideas to be implemente😛 at least sell yourself for a decent sum! cause 20 tanks is PATHETIC! 🙂