eCanadian Social Contract

Day 785, 14:11 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden">

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There have been a few articles recently in the media about saving eRep Babies.
One particular Article delves into the argument. The writer blames the "fortress strategy" for killing babies (this is a FAIL assessment, as I will soon illustrate.), and assumes to opine on everyone's motivation for playing eRep.

Yeah, they are scary when they are nubs.

"The big powers like Hungary, Indonesia, and Romania are all Q5 health care throughout. Really large countries like the USA naturally don't have health care in every one of 50 regions..."

The hose in his hand is the part that sucks...
The part we can't see is the part that blows...
oh, okay...I see what he's doing now. Sick.

Hungary is in a MUCH different geo-political situation than Canada. They share a common border with their arch enemy, Romania - who incidentally mirrors Hungary's densification of Q5 hospital and DS. This is for good reason - they are not all the way across the world from their enemies - nay, they are SURROUNDED by them.

When you are surrounded by beligerents on all sides, then YES
- making hospitals in all your regions may make sense.

Oh, and the USA has only 3 Q5 hospitals, and one is temporary - in Karnataka. To say that
"the USA naturally don't have health care in every one of 50 regions" is a lost leader.

They only have TWO in their original regions and they do FINE. To point to the UK and say:
"...even the United Kingdom of fail: all have better coverage of their regions in terms of health care than eCanada."

That is because the UK is also doing it wrong. They are wasting thousands of gold on hospitals and DS when all they had to do was not put themself in the position of being invaded (diplomacy).

The UK. Now completely surrounded will try to save
their bucket of chicken. However they too shall fail.

The writer continues: "Question: Does universal health care represent a Canadian value, or doesn't it?"

Answer: Real Life BS. Leave it at home. Real Life regional loyalty is not a logical position to defend.
Same as starting up an iron company in Quebec - that too is FAIL, but I digress...

The BIGGEST Baby Killer in eRep is the business man, as we are about to discover...

The writer owns one Organization called New Brunswick Pride. Seems innocent at first, until you take a look at the worker composition.
There are four companies in this Org, and a total of 37 dead citizens.

Slavery. It gets sh!t done

It is not as tho the nub (newborn citizen) has it all going for them to begin with. When you start out, you don't know ANYTHING (unless your name is Cesar Augustus and you just keep creating more multis everytime you get banned for creating multis). Plato in the top corner says: "Hey dumbass, get a job!" So what does the nub face in the labour market?

The Zombie loving business man. This is one scary mofo.
The Zombie loving business man does more harm to Canada
than Hungary does - yeah I really mean it.

If only the Zombie loving business man were honest to nubs. If so, the job interview would sound something like this:

GM: "Look, your zero skill really doesn't do it for me."

Nub: " Whats a zero skill?"

GM: "Look, let's cut to the chase. I know that this is a Q3 company and you were born 7 minutes ago. You know how you can benefit me?"

Nub: "Whats a Q3 company...and how do I load my avatar? I want to be level 3!"

GM: "Thats great. Shut, listen and learn. You are more valuable to me dead than alive. So why don't you just take the job and never come back. My productivity will soar, and well - you're too stupid to load a F#&*ing avatar."

Nub: &quot😉o I have a choice?"

GM: "Not really. I also have a Q5 deatomizer. It will destroy your citizen. Unless you have a Q5 Quantum Harmonic Resonance Gun to counter it..."

Nub: "No, I don't think I have one of those..."

GM: "So, $1.50 per day sound fair?"

Nub: "Okay, should I just die now then?"

GM: "Yes, that would be great, thanks - oh and tell your friends to join eRep too!"

They prey upon ignorance for their own satisfaction.

But the simple fact is that not everyone is gonna be a winner and have love poured onto them by all.
Rose petals will NOT be strewn into everyone's path. Not everyone will have mountains of gold to swim thru.

Deal with it. Suck it up, Buttercup.

This is why I propose the eCanadian Social Contract.

EVERY GM should be obligated to inform their zero skill nub workers to:

A: Move to a Q5 (or 4) hospital region.

B: Manage their Wellness properly.

C: Better yet - GMs should be Forbidden from hiring babies.

Unfortunately, you can't enforce option C. Chuck Norris could, but he doesn't exist in eRep and Eugene Harlot is American, not Canadian.

I HATE it when I see companies full of dead citizens. It's not by coincidence that a construction company has 19 dead citizens and one live owner/worker. Its WEAK SAUCE! For the record, I have only singled out this particular citizen, only because he asks to be singled out. They are MANY more. Some are people you call friends. Some are people who you call Party Presidents too...

If companies were meant to be concentration camps, then they'd come full of dead citizens when you create them and you'd be able to choose which carcasses you want and which one you don't.

Couldn't have said it better myself Bill.

Be a real eCanadian and DON'T KILL OUR BABIES!