eCanada Remembrance Day

Day 1,287, 21:25 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

May 31st 2010
Well Aeriala beat me to finishing the eRemembrance article with his article
Well it's tough for me to write article about two people who I never knew at all. So I started to listen to some music

I'll be writing about the eCanadian Remembrance day. Two great players of eCanada have lost their lives about a year ago. One of which is Tyler F. Durden commonly known as TFD and in RL known as Christopher Emerson Day. The other person to lose their life was Marius "Scott" Coroleone.

Chris Emerson Day
The offical eCanadian Remembrance Days are on the 31st of March, 30th of June, 30th of September and the 31st of December.

These days were designated by the eCanadian congress on June the 9th 2010 in memory of Marius Coroleone and Tyler F Durden.

"These two eCanadians whom we've lost were a major part of our history, our present and our future, they were both deeply involved with eCanada and it's affairs and the people whose lives they touched will never cease to remember them"

The dedication of these days was inspired by the legacy of two important eCanadians, but it is also meant to celebrate the lives of all eCanadians who have been lost to us through real world tragedy.

This is TFD's Online guest book.

Chris and his girlfriend were on a short vacation in the United States, just days before he was to return to Vancouver to start filming on a new production. He was travelling westbound on an interstate hwy. It was 11:11pm, Monday, May 31st, 2010. A 27 year old man was travelling in the opposite direction, when he suddenly lost control of his vehicle and ended up crossing the grassy median and hitting Chris and his girlfriend head on. both the other gentleman, as well as Chris, succumbed to their injuries instantly. please rest assured, Chris did not feel any pain whatsoever in his passing. it WAS immediate. The California Highway Patrol, upon conclusion of their investigation, announced that in Chris' final seconds, knowing what was about to happen, took it upon himself to turn the car hard to the right... and in doing so, saved the life of his girlfriend, Yulia Shtern. RIP Chris for making the ultimate sacrifice... to give up his own life to save another.

And thanks to Rolo I've found the newspaper article from TFD's home town
So for all of us, those who knew TFD, and those who like me only read legends about the legend, or never even heard of TFD he was a great man who helped shaped eCanada into what it is today.

For those who want to know more about Tyler

TFD was born into the eWorld on Day 601. A few days later Day 617 Admins implemented the long awaited citizenship module. At this time eCanada was halfway wiped and when the citizenships came in effect eCanada lost thousands of its citizens to foriegn nations because of their residency. Since the government had it's hands full with all the fighting, TFD tried to save eCanadian citizens stuck behind enemy lines. So Tyler got the little money he had and the remainder of the gold he had for reaching level 6 and started to buy Moving tickets for citizens stuck in enemy territory.
Then Tyler wrote this article:, which became highly successful. Prior to the fall of British Columbia, Tyler F Durden published this article:, a list of all those who he had repatriated up until that point. Then came Citizens such as Neil III - currently on haitus from eRepublik, helped out Tyler in the early stages of Operation Repatriation. Neil III was Tyler's employer at the time. The company Neil III owned was a Moving Ticket company. Neil III was the first to appreciate Tyler's efforts and began furnishing him with as many Moving Tickets as were possible - at great personal expense. Tyler - long having had reached the end of his meagre savings was again back at it.
The donations began pouring in. Citizen after citizen had donated CAD, Moving Tickets, Houses, and gold to the cause. Soon Tyler's exploits caught the attention of the war weary government - who then donated even more gold to the cause.
Tyler F Durden became a national hero overnight.

The war began in the 1st Jacobi term, and Jacobi sought Tyler's services in the Ministry of Immigration & Citizenship.
Tyler's first term as a Minister would also be his last. Answering 75+ PMs per day with an ever dwindling budget allocation, Tyler continued to move eCanadians back to where they belong - Ontario, for our Last Stand.

While official orders from the government were to move to the eUSA, nobody really paid much mind to them. The confidence in the government was shattered - despite the incredible force which our enemy placed upon us. One group, led by Banach, went to eSpain to continue the fight from there. This group became known as the 46th Iberian Brigade, or the Canadian Resistance movement. Another group went to eGreece, which later became known as Bruck's Canucks, then later the Crimson Canucks - a private army.
Tyler went to eSpain and bought a cheap grain company in Madrid and invited fellow exils to find employment in an eCanadian company abroad. This group fought against the eFrench invasion of eSpain - which eventually suffered the same fate as eCanada - utter destruction.
Again, Tyler was on the move. He acquired a cheap oil company in eIndonesian Occupied West Siberian Region and worked for next to nothing - donating all wages back into the company, as he was now broke - and alone... He fought every day in Resistance Wars against eIndonesia, all the while watching and waiting for eCanada to appear from the fog of war.
Then eCanada was back. PEI. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. eCanada was reborn!

Tyler came home - still with his eCanadian citizenship and continued his contributions. Prime Minister Jacobi honoured Tyler F Durden with the Companion of the Order of Canada in this article.
For those who remember Tyler after the war he was a member of the CPF and later party president for the CPF many times and managed to make it to congress 9 times.
Many will remember the January 5th 2010 presidential elections, the closest election in eCanada's history. ECanada saw 5 time president Jacobi face off against DAL candidate Derek Harland. Before the elections the CPF and the DAL were bitter rivals but join forces together to manage to put a one of their own members into the president's seat. The vote came down to the wire when due to trash talking (alledgedly), the Crimson Canucks - a "non political" private army started by 3 time PM Bruck had publicly announced that they were endorsing Jacobi - and incidentally had the neccessary amount of votes available to ensure a Jacobi win. This was the nail in the coffin for the DAL/CPF candidate Derek Harland who ended up losing that election by only 4 votes to Jacobi.

Unfortunately I did not know Marius Coroleone, I'll just leave THIS ARTICLE made by Chucky Norris for anyone who wants to know more about Marius.

Also a big shout out to these people and their articles on eCan Remembrance Day.
Damien Wolf
The Ministry of Information

Rest in Peace for all we have lost o7.