eAustralian Senate: A lesson from history.

Day 1,711, 10:03 Published in Australia Australia by DocterDryMOIST
TL😉R - This has been happening for the past 2 years. Any attempt at reform is quashed by people with inflated egos who want to over roleplay and revel in complexities. I have been blowing this trumpet for 2 years, no one listened. I am right all along and awesome. The senate should come together and streamline everything to go back to supplementing the in-game mechanics. If the inflated ego people don't want to, they should be booted out.

I must say, it's a huge surprise to see all this hysteria about the forum senate and its laws/rules all of a sudden. Everyone is acting like it's a new problem. The fact is that it has been a problem for the past 2 years, but no one has the nerve to speak up about it or act on it bar a few people, namely myself, larni and other past citizens. I blew this trumpet for literally 2 years and no one wanted to listen, i saw this day coming a long time ago. This is the problem with the eAustralian community, everyone sits on their a.ss and doesn't stand up for anything because they are too scared to be disliked so they let things slide. Well, not me. I don't stand for this.

Alot of new players won't know the history of this country or the senate problems from the past, so i will fill you in a little bit.

The History:

Since the creation of the eAustralian forum senate, the forum senate has FOREVER engaged in unnecessary roleplay and complexity revelling. We have had such gems as the "eAustralian high court" which made self appointed people in charg of the senate and even the government, we have had "eAustralian Constitution v1" which disallowed creations of new political parties in game and since then, constitution after constitution after constitution, the new one more ridiculous than the previous then the last. The whole purpose of the forum senate was to supplement the in-game mechanics but it has rarely ever done this. Instead the majority of the time has been spent revelling in complexities that contribute ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the game. Take time to browse a couple of these unnecessary roleplay discussions/bills like the current "Amendment to Define War" and you will see what im talking about. It's for senators with god complexes to come in and write a 2 page long post about absolutely nothing to feed their ego and give the impression that they are intelligent. Like i said, this has been going on since the creation of the senate and this kind of behaviour is encouraged and fostered in new players as we have seen with the arrival of recently new player senators like mudkip etc. The old guard who use to engage in this sort of behaviour were the likes of XG, Derek Apoll, Wally Wilson etc etc and they have unfortunately trained a new guard to continue the revelling in complexities and roleplay. These days, the senate forum by-passes in-game mechanics. Laws can't be passed in-game until the senate forum has approved them 48 hours after the law is really needed. The system is also setup so that the elected game mechanic CP can barely do anything without the approval of the forum senate and if the CP doesn't agree to the silly roleplaying laws, they are impeached in-game. Any attempt at reform of the system is met with impeach or assassination as me and other CP's have found out in the past. I hav

The Solution:

I have seen a few solutions to the problem being tossed around. I'll start with H.Nelsons proposed here http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/stop-this-madness-in-our-senate-now--2090588/1/20 First off, i don't even know why he bothered writing this article considering he is one of the people who has forever been engaged in the revelling in complexities and unnecessary roleplay, no doubt he wrote his article to get some popularity but i'll humour him anyway. The solution to the problem is not to destroy every single bit of law from the senate. The whole senate needs to come together in a discussion and put together 1 slim lined law that puts the forum senate back to its original purpose of SUPPLEMENTING the in-game mechanics, not totally taking over it and bypassing it. COMMON SENSE needs to be reintroduced aswell, not EVERYTHING needs to be written into law. It's common sense that a cabinet minister should not be speaker. It's common sense that a senator should not be an agent of a foreign government.

The voting public is the solution too. Aussies need to stop voting for the senators who engage in revelling in complexities and unnecessary roleplay. Their inflated egos need to go. Personally, i support infins propose in his article here http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/it-039-s-time-to-start-over-the-senate-2090529/1/20 I invite everyone to have a read of it.

15x Senator
1x CP