It's time to start over - The Senate

Day 1,710, 18:53 Published in Australia Australia by infin

For too long we have found the impractical rules of our forum-based "Senate" constrining our decision-making and leaving Australians acting in the best interests of their country under the games mechanics liable to punishment due to their actions infringing the Senate rules.

This is a clear inconsistency which cannot be permitted to continue. Austalia must be protected at all costs and in a way consistent with the Rules of eRepublik. It was put in recent debate on the forum by the Senate Speaker T J Norton that Senators have had ample opportunity to change the Senate laws more to their liking. The Senate is free to organsie itself as it sees fit.

I accept the Speaker's comments and do not criticise him for his punishment of recent Senators who did infringe the rules of the Senate - that is the Speaker's job and he was merely following his charter of appointment. Our Senate rules are pretty good overall actually. I have served as a Senator 21 times now and despite our ups and downs, the Senate rules are conducive to encouraging team work and promotion of the country's interests.

THAT BEING SAID, things have to change. I will be moving an amendment immediately to the Senate Standing Orders as follows:

INSERT Part 1 2 AA) Debate in relation to proposals governed by the Rules of eRepublik may occur in the Senate, but the debate procedure shall not constrain in any way the inherent right of Senators to make a proposal permitted under the Rules of eRepublik in-game at any time without notice.

This amendment must be voted on immediately and passed. It will render much of the current standing orders redundant, but it seems the Senate is not inclined to amend all the necessary provisions. The first priority is to stop punishing good Australians trying to act in the best interests of the country.


21 x Australian Senator