eAustralian of the Year Awards 2013

Day 2,235, 21:38 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

Heyo, I remember someone doing something like this last year just as I'd joined, and was kinda waiting to see if they'd do it again this year. (No idea who it was)

This is all just for fun and maybe a little recognition (that's McCrutchian for "I'm to cheap to give prizes"), so the winners will gain prizes in friendship cookies only.

The awards for 2013 are:

eAustralian of the Year (Best Player Overall)
Politician of the Year
The Dr Hugh Jardon Award for Recruit of the Year (Any new player from 2013)
Tank of the Year
Journalist of the Year
Troll of the Year
Most Loved Player
Most Hated Player
Prime Minister who had the biggest ragequit after being discovered to be a racist lying thug (of the year)
Best Military Unit

Please place your nominations below or PM them to me. Also, if anyone else has a category they think should be up there, please say so! You can nominate yourself, but that's not really in the spirit of the game.

P.S: Quick plug for werewolf which will be starting soon, we have the minimum of 8, but the more the merrier. (Sign up here.)