[Werewolf] Round 2 Sign ups

Day 2,233, 15:16 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

It's finally back! Round 2 of Werewolf will be starting shortly. For those who haven't played before, the rules can be found here.

Unlike last round, there will be a doctor (oops). And I've also decided to add another part. The mayor will be able to investigate on their first night.

How it works. On their first night as mayor (if a new one's elected they to get to investigate as well) the player may choose two players to interrogate. They will be told if any of the players have a role, that is all. For example; "One player has a role, the other is a villager." They are not told if it is a wolf or other role, and they are not told which of the two is which.

There will be rewards for players which were kindly donated by Ranger, I haven't quite decided how they'll be awarded, but it will mostly be for winning, general awesomeness or a consolation prize.

Sign up below, looking for a minimum of 8 to start, but the general consensus has been the more the merrier. 🙂