[New Game?] Werewolf

Day 2,130, 04:06 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

So I've seen this game work in many other places, usually on forums, but whatever, and so I've figured "Hey, why wouldn't it work here?" Instead of answering that question I've decided to plow straight on.

I will now post the rules and how I'm going to attempt to adapt them to Erep 😃

Basically there are two teams, the villagers and the werewolves.

The job of these poor guys is to try and lynch (vote to kill) off the werewolves. These guys don't know who else is a villager, making it difficult for them. The villagers win when all of the werewolves have been lynched.

The aim of the werewolves is to kill off the villagers one by one until they outnumber them. The werewolves generally make up 1/4 of the players.

Special Roles
To give the villagers a chance at winning, there are other roles as well.

Each night the Doctor may choose one player to protect. This player cannot be then by the werewolves OR the vigilante.

Each night the seer can choose to investigate one player, and will discover whether or not they are a villager or a werewolf.

This caped bandit takes justice into their own hands, each night phase he may choose to kill a player that they suspect of being a werewolf. The vigilante can also choose not to kill a player.

The mayor is elected by the villagers on the first day. If the mayor is killed off, a new mayor is elected the next day. The mayor holds a deciding vote in a case of tied votes, the 'lynchee' (not a fruit) that the mayor chose will be killed. *Note that this can happen even if the mayor was the only villager to vote for this person.

Game Play
The game is divided into two sections, a day phase and a night phase. Each phase will last for one erep day. All votes must be in within the day phase, otherwise the villager(s) in question will be killed off, regardless of role. Exceptions can be made if I'm contacted earlier though.

The Day Phase
During the day phase all players vote whether to not lynch, or to lynch (and in this case, who to lynch). On the first day phase they also vote for their mayor. Results from the previous night phase will also be announced during the day phase.

The Night Phase
This is where a lot of the action happens. Once night phase begins all of the roles (wolves, seer, doctor and vigilante) will message me with their choices. (The wolves decide collectively)
This is the order in which the events unfol😛
The events take place in this order:
Seer goes into seer trance.
Doctor protects a player.
Werewolves attack.
Vigilante attacks their target.
Seer wakes from trance with result of investigation. Which will be sent to them privately

So, each day I will either release a new article or update an old one with the results of the previous phase. Players who receive roles (decided as randomly as possible) will be PM'd and will PM me with their decisions each night phase. Any voting i.e. mayor voting or lynching will take place in the comments section of the article.

At the moment this is only a question of who's interested and, if you'd like you can also point out the impracticality of this and crush my dreams. If you have any questions just comment below and I'll attempt to answer them. I'm looking for between 8-12 players interested to kick this off.