Dru Blood Why You No Love Me?

Day 1,620, 16:46 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

7 days ago, Dru Blood devoted almost an entire article to my arrival in the eUSA. I am flattered...I didn’t realize Dru was my biggest fan. I wanted to thank him for the publicity in heralding my arrival.

Its been a week since the article was published and I think its time I responded to some of the issues he raised. First off, I love his patriotism. Far be it from me to take a government or any other spot from a long serving and devoted, true blue American. This RL and former in game Canadian boy is not at all interested in starting a kerfuffle. I do however tend to take it upon myself to point out when someone is merely grandstanding and making an effort to push a bizarre looking agenda.

Lets start with my joining AMP and promptly being made a deputy. I arrived into the eUSA and was greeted by a very welcoming and warm PM from AMP, inviting me to visit with them and see what they had to offer. There was no hard sell here...it was just a polite welcome and invitation to see more. Given they were the first to reach out to me, I took them up on the offer. Within days of registering, this very organized and down to earth group of people made me feel welcome and like one of the family. There was no odd feeling out period or standoffishness. They gave me a seat at the table and passed the potatoes without thinking twice. A couple of days later I was asked to join the media team as a deputy. Now, those of you who know me, know that the media is my passion in this game. I write...a lot. I used to be part of the Writers Guild Of Canada, I podcast, and in general, I spend a lot of time reading the news. I was honoured that AMP felt so highly about my writing that they would invite me to help on that front. I quickly accepted.

AMP also asked me if I would like to take a run at Congress. Dru Blood will have you believe that I had some secret agenda after being supposedly run out of eCanada politically. WRONG. I was so anxious to infiltrate the eUSA Congress that I replied that I felt I was too new and that there were likely more deserving players who should have a chance to try their hand at politics. I have the PM in my inbox and will gladly screenshot it for those who care to see it. Yeah...I was so power hungry and hell bent on getting into Congress, I tried to give away my offer to join! After some conversation, I agreed to run if only because there was a genuine need for experienced and active political types. I figured that if I could help in some way, I would do so. So much for agendas eh Dru?

To the issue of being driven out of eCanada. I lol’d. I have spent my entire eLife in eCanada. I have done all I can do in eCanada and have held many many offices. I left eCanada on a selfish note, to gain some bonuses, and on a personal note, to expand my game experience and pursue some new challenges. In short, I was bored, and I wanted to experience some new things and meet and mix with players whom I had never met before. I can honestly say I had no idea who David Wilson, Haliman, or Sozo were until I got here and now that I know them, I am glad to have met them. This is afterall a social game...so lets be social!

On the issue of my border/avatar. It is true that I kept my old CAF border when I got here, and why wouldn’t I? I was a member of CAF High Command and still an active member of the CAF MU. I hadn’t yet felt the urge to leave and I had not yet found an American MU to which I thought I would fit in...until yesterday. Now, as you can see, I am a member of EZC and proudly sport my new avatar. I apologize Dru, that it took me 7 days to abandon all my eCan allegiances. I just wanted to take my time and find the right place for me.

Lastly, Dru recommends you read my newspaper to get to know me better. I couldn’t agree more...and well you’re at it, don’t forget to vote and sub my newspaper and its articles. Check out my podcast too if you don’t mind...I work hard to make it as good as it can be and I am told I have a good voice for radio though you can be the judge. I however have an even more radical idea. If you want to get to know me, just hit that little envelope button on my profile and PM me, or better yet, find me on IRC and...wait for it...say HI ACACIA! Amazing right? You just might get to know me better and again...wait for it...I might get to know you too!

Im a bit of a character but at the end of the day, I think I am pretty easy to get along with if not a little high strung at times. Here is the thing though...don’t make the mistake that some have made *COUGH* Dru *COUGH* and judge me by my cover...err...Avatar.

If you made it this far then you just survived your first Acacia Mason TL/DR article...congrats! Claim your cookie in the comments!

Yours In National Unity,