[BHPR] WTF? So now we are Canadian...?

Day 1,614, 09:16 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood
From a barstool at Pookies place...thank you sweetie for breakfast...
American Pie by Don McLean

Acacia Mason

There have been many prominent Canadians fleeing their homeland and it has come to my attention that the AMP picked up a very prominent ex-Canadian and newly minted American citizen -Acacia Mason, this citizen has been Canadian President twice; his last being derailed by the Exiled Patriots of Canada rebellion. The ex-Canadians who fled Canada because of Rolo Tahmasee and his supporters know far more about this citizen than I, but what I know of him I know from his newspaper The Northern Telegraph; my advice America is read his paper -it left me a little lukewarm on his loyalty. Here is a citizen who was virtually run out of his own homeland by fellow Canadians, given American citizenship (yet his Avatar border still proclaims him to be Canadian) and is now running for Congress in Arizona; all in the span of a few days. A citizen who supported a thief and then fled his own country, is now running for Congress in America; will his next run be in the United Kingdom? Recently through some obscure ‘game mechanic’ rule a British ex-President Artela -again after a hasty move to America- was elected Country President by a huge vote, a annexation of America to the United Kingdom as a colony was attempted ‘as a joke’; all perpetrated by Pfeiffer and the USWP. Now I know I may be crazy, but there is a certain symmetry to two citizens fleeing their homeland ending up in the American Congress and as Country President; both through the top 2 parties in America. While many American born citizens are being denied the ability to run for Congress the top 2 parties run foreign born citizens, citizens who have done nothing in America to prove their loyalty while dumping monkey muffins on the country of their birth; while citizens of unquestioned loyalty and unrepentant pro-Americanism are kept out of Congress. Just how loyal is a citizen whose heart truly belongs to the country of their birth, how dedicated to the interest of their adopted home -America- can they be; could these actions by the top 2 parties be considered a Political Takeover (PTO)?

Arthur Ward

There have been many times when I have supported the controlling of who runs for office and the controlling of the vote to keep such enemies as General Cartman Lee out of office and out of control of a top 5 party. However when this method is used to keep loyal Americans from even running, to allow known thieves and their supporters to run for Congress within days of fleeing their homeland and gaining American Citizenship; where was the IES when these untrustworthy citizens were allowed to become American citizens? Another prominent AMP member Arthur Ward (whose Avatar shows him using the America flag to clean himself with) has been pointed out as a Canadian with a truly shady background, a citizen who I trust listened to him on eNPR and recognized him right away, this citizen use to play as Julius Caligula, and before that as Wes Lewis. Here is the eNPR episode which aired April 12, 2012 and here is The Northern Exposure, where he was interviewed by Acacia Mason, which aired November 25, 2011; judge for yourselves, but for me this is pretty convincing proof that Adam Ward in his past lives was a thief who stole the Canadian Treasury. Not only has our own IES seen fit to allow known thieves to gain American citizenship, American Top 5 parties are running them for Congress; where they are given power over the ‘Daily CBO Donation’ -exposing America to the chance they and their supporters could deny America the donations needed to supply the USAF. Now maybe the AMP leadership has been duped by these citizens and their supporters, though I tend to give them the benefit of doubt and feel they have been lied to; I must ask now that they know these citizens have questionable loyalty and trustworthiness will they withdraw these candidates? I certainly hope they will, but either way I must come out against both these citizens and recommend that Americans vote against Acacia Mason and Arthur Ward.

General Cartmen Lee

For months ‘Pfeifferist’ have been pointing to General Cartmen Lee with claims of allowing ‘foreign enemies’ into America, now while IES did not allow ‘enemies’ into America; they did allow citizens in who have at the very least shady past. It is one thing for parties to unite against an enemy who has time and time again shown he is a danger to America, it is another to use that inter party unity to allow new American citizens who have turned their backs on their country of birth to run for seat in the American Congress; while denying loyal trustworthy America citizens the same right we are giving power to citizens laughed at a scant few weeks ago by America -we even threatened invasion. The USWP has put a British expatriate in the White House, now the AMP seeks to emulate them by putting Canadian expatriates in Congress; candidates who may or may not be as bad or worse than Rolo Tahmasee or General Cartmen Lee -GCL at least has never stolen a treasury . This is the kind of backroom maneuvering made famous by Pfeiffer, the kind of maneuvering that creates citizens loyal to a citizen or to the party leaders rather than creating American Loyalist; it maneuvers self serving citizens who line their own pockets into positions of power -citizens who will support individual citizens over American interest; a citizen who owes a favor. This kind of political gamesmanship is the bailiwick of Henry ‘Pfeiffer’ Arundel and his ‘sock puppets’ of the USWP, this citizen and his party remain in power for three reasons 1) they control the eUnited States Forums trolling to death any member who dares to think outside the box 2) they control the Congressional Forum located on the eUS Forums 3) they control not only the vote, but who may run for Congress. America will never have a transparent Government until 1) the ‘Pfeifferist’ are driven out of the USWP and 2) control of the Congressional Forums is moved to a fair and equitable forum; preferably moderated by eRepublik staff. Nothing will change so long these citizens are allowed to continue their ‘meta game’, Pfeiffer and his ‘foreign’ supporters will continue to dictate to us, Pfeiffer and the USWP will continue their PTo of America -the country whose citizens have rejected Pfeiffer time and time again at the polls- from the shadows of the eUnited States Forums.

Pookie, Kentucky Bourbon, neat, please...

I am Dru Blood and I may be crazy, but I’m just saying...who is the real enemy....

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