Do we really want to be free?

Day 1,851, 04:22 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

With all these mixed opinions towards how we should be getting our regions back and making our nation whole, I can't help but feel a need to find my own footing on this matter. I've listened to all the different opinions about helping eChile, fighting against them, negotiating our regions back and all the rest. But I've reached my own conclusion. It's a conclusion that I think deep down inside all of us, it resonates.

eAustralia has long had a history of being the underdog, getting occupied against our larger neighbours, be it a PTO, an invasion, an occupation, we've had them all and guess what? We've beaten them all. Regardless of the odds we've come out free, it may take time, but we have shown patience (eg. the PTO) and we have risen through the troubles of our past.

Looking back on all these events of our history, I came to the conclusion, the true meaning of why I stick around here, something that rings inside me and reminds me why I am proud to be an eAustralia, and an RL Australian.

It's the Spirit. The fighting Spirit.

It's the ability to be a small nation, but punch above our weight. To show those who want to walk over us that it comes at a cost and it won't happen without a fight.

At the end of the day however, I can't help but realise that it's these occupations, these fights, these struggles that make our community what it is, it's what makes us who we are and the honest answer, it's why many of us stick around. It's the chance to disagree, the chance to challenge each other, a chance to fight for our nation, a chance to prove ourselves in this large eWorld and to prove to ourselves that we too, have the fighting Australian Spirit in us.

On the obverse, we've achieved peace before, and I can't help but notice that it's so... damn... boring. Without a common enemy we fight amongst ourselves (at a greater extent than currently) and we just idle, not doing much but talk about disturbing things in #ausrep (/me looks at Henry_the_8th).

But we NEED these problems. These struggles. These problems to deal with that make eRepublik something more than just a shitty online 2 clicking game. It's the community working together against an oppressor, a common enemy. At the end of the day it's a GAME and the best way of getting fun out of what is otherwise poor game mechanics is FIGHTING and BATTLING our way to freedom, towards independence against unimaginable odds, and it makes the victory so much sweeter.

The statement above is SOOOO true when it comes to eAustralia. We've chasing freedom and our country's independence, but when we get it... We don't know what to do with it.

So that's my 2 cents, take it or leave it, because I'm going to keep fighting, just like these guys did. Why? Because I'm eAustralian, and I ain't going to give up. NOT NOW. NOT EVER.