Declaration of Intention to Join Congress

Day 910, 17:23 Published in Singapore Switzerland by Lynari

I have never been in Singapore’s Congress, and cannot attest to its quality one way or the other. I have seen, though, in my past, some terrible congresses. Too often, people write generic little platforms and weasel their way into congress, and for what? the rank, something to put on their resume, or most sinisterly, the gold. Singapore enjoys one awesome safeguard against this, though: exclusivity. It is easier to be sure of a group of ten than of forty.

I say this because I intend to run for Congress this upcoming election. If I thought little of Singaporeans’ intelligence, I would parade in front of you my past titles, starting with the presidencies, then the ministerial positions, and be confident in my chances. But I think more highly of you than that, and so all I can offer is the simple guarantee that intellectualism will prevail with me. This is the characteristic, I believe, that defines a good congressman. Consistency can also mark an inability to adapt, charisma can serve to hide a shortage of other essential qualities – indeed, it is intelligence and common sense that trump all, and always do. The only decent rival is sincerity, but I believe I boast this too.

For the sake of joining a party, I joined the Republicans upon arriving in Singapore. I soon left in favor of independence when I found myself mostly unimpressed by the nation’s parties in general. I liked the Singapore National Unity Party’s latest manifesto, though, and I joined with the belief that this particular party will have a heightening effect on democracy in Singapore. I’ll be under the SNUP banner then, if you’d like to vote for me.

Past articles:
On Politics, As Always
Singapore, the Political Climate
The unimportant titles:
