Singapore, the Political Climate

Day 896, 18:53 Published in Singapore Switzerland by Lynari

I’ve been in Singapore – a week, perhaps? – for some time, anyway, and it has certainly been an experience. I could not have foreseen the cultural difference between here and Austria; the atmosphere of the nation is totally unlike what I am familiar with.

This has become especially apparent in this upcoming election. Whereas politics in Austria is somewhat ferocious, here it is disturbingly relaxed. The two candidates’ cabinets are essentially the same, and they themselves appear nearly indifferent to whether they win or not.

But why shouldn’t it be aggressive? To be president of a small nation is possibly the hardest job of the e-world. The president of a larger nation decides whom to attack and what kind of relations to maintain for that month, but the results of both are superficial and ultimately meaningless. One imperialistically acquired region shifts this way or that way, but governments are neither begun nor toppled. Every decision of the smaller president, contrarily, is to combat the inherent tenuousness of his nation’s existence; and survival is the hardest game to play.

Far be it from me to comment as such a newcomer, but I’m a bit surprised that the mediocrity of our candidates is being tolerated. I’ve spoken with Thedark, and he is very nice, and from what I’ve gathered of Srnth, he is a perfectly fine gentleman as well, but there must be some grand history of triumph that I, in my newness, am unaware of, because what I have witnessed in my short Singaporean existence is wholly unimpressive. The “epic debate” was pretty weak for both sides, with slight favor to Srnth, who, as far as I know, does not think the Singaporean Presidency worth writing a platform for.

I did not mean to alienate anybody so early in my time here, but a game is not worth being quiet over. I am Lynari - say what you will.
