Dear Loyal eCitizens Bank Investor

Day 1,581, 14:50 Published in USA USA by Mr Andrews

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est. Day 1469
Total Investors: 84
Total Deposits in Gold and UCU: $941,862.91

Dear Loyal Investor,

This past weekend eCitizens Bank has come under some scrutiny surrounding the new Universl Currency Unit that came into existence on day 1568. You may read the article here. There are always many who criticize my bank and others since banks in the new world have a bad reputation for being scams etc... I welcome criticism, it keeps banks honest and in the long run helps the good banks grow. I would like to thank Dodona personally for writing this article. He helped me find a mistake on my part and I am able to better serve my investors.

What this means for my investors?

On day 1568 all currency in the New World were changed to UCU {Universl Currency Unit}. This means that each citizen's currency that they had in their account was multiplied by 1.6 and converted to UCU. Now the criticism that came about was the fact that my investors did not receive this benefit since the currency was in eCB's possession therefore the bank benefited and my investors did not. I contacted 8 different investors and asked their opinion on the matter and we had a discussion and came to the following conclusion on how to fix the matter.

Savings Accounts in eCitizens Bank:

All investor's balances as of day 1568 have been adjusted to reflect the new Universal Currency Unit. Each balance as of day 1568 has been multiplied by 1.6 and 2 weeks of interest has been added to all investors accounts. Also, with the added money to each account many have jumped one or two levels to add a higher interest rate.

CDs, Bonds, and XCDBonds:

These types of accounts have not changed since Gold was not changed with the last update. Gold prices have obviously gone up, but the gold unit did not change. As in the past, if I pay back an investor in currency rather than gold I always pay according to what the monetary market says the price of gold is at the moment: 10 Gold Rule and eCitizens Bank

eCitizens Bank is not your typical bank, we strive for perfection and are here to partner with our investors so we can all benefit and make money together.

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10 Gold Rule and eCitizens Bank

Mr Andrews