Dear Frenchmen

Day 715, 10:58 Published in France France by Vukasin Mileusnic

Greetings and salutations from Serbia!

After reading the article that your President wrote, and the comments left on it, i felt the need to write this open letter to the public of France. I should also add that we in Serbia hold great respect for RL France, and i see no reason why the same respect couldnt be utilized in this game.

We all witnessed the turbulent offensive of PEACE GC, which had Croatia as its main target. The reason for such an offensive is naturaly not Serbian or Hungarian imperialism, but more down to earth reasons. For one, both Serbia and Hungary have a large amount of active mpp-s activated against them on the Croatian front. If not kept at bay (rea😛 if we dont delete them by erasing Croatia from the map at one point), they may cost us our freedom. Even if you dont feel the unity of the alliance, your interest is clear. If we fall, you will propably fall. Another reason that shouldnt be neglected is the breaking the morale of EDEN, by delivering them a decicive defeat. Not only that, but the breaking of the Croatian bulwark would also grant the entire alliance an advantage. EDEN would miss one determined ally, and PEACE would be stronger with the regions it would hold there. Slavonia, for example, is the key teritory of Croatia, and losing it would be a severe blow for them. I think that the reasons for the ofensive were, and still are, justified and necessary.

Now let us take a closer look at the relations inside PEACE GC. It seems that parts of the alliance think, and they are heavilly supported by our common enemies by trolling the articles and thus creating the public image, that their interests are being neglected in the big picture. Maybe that is understandable, if we put ourselfs in their shoes. There were those in Serbia who thought that our interests were being neglected while we were on the American campaign. However, Serbia has given a lot to the alliance in the past couple of months. We did so not knowing what the future brings, not having any expectations about our future baby booms. We did it because our allies needed help, because we feel that the alliance needs to be united if it is to stand against our enemies, who are indeed united. If one of us is being attacked, then all of us are under attack. It is similar with the attacking. If we attack (for the above mentioned reasons), we expect our allies to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. The soldiers of France did just that. The Government didnt.

I dont want to get into who was more childish, as it really doesnt matter. The alliance needed France to attack the US, as a part of the coordinated offensive. French President demanded an explanation (?!?). I would understand the need for an explanation, if you were to lose something. But if you were offered a compensation in gold for the opening of the battle, and considering that you allready have USA mpps activated against you, i really see no reason for it. Even if you would like that the leaders of the alliance offered you complete report and the reasoning behind their instruction, to compromise the entire operation because you werent satisfied with the way you were asked to participate is just plain selfish and unreasonable. Dont hide behind the feeling of statesmanship (or stateswomanship in your case), as that is a flagrant manipulation of the feelings of Frechmen. That excuse is even worse if we take into account all the EDEN trolling that took it as a foundation for their own manipulation in the comments all over the place. Ledning a hand to the alliance in this case wouldnt be considered as a sign of weakness, on the countrary. Do we consider the US weak for their withdrawal from Alaska, in order to focus their attention to the defence of their own alliance? Do we consider EDEN weak because they are ready to sacrifice, and go above and beyond for their cause?

All in all, the inaction that the Government of France took caused the anti-French feeling in some circles of the alliance. Having in mind that offensive was just finished, and that the inaction of your Government may be responsible for the outcome, it is not surprising that it happened. The reasons your President offered behind her decision just poured more oil in the fire. That doesnt mean that the majority of the population in PEACE has anything against the citizens of France. Tensions were high, and some of the players are really passionate, in both love and hate. I know that many of my countrymen are, as that is our mentality. We look at others through ourselfs, and if we are ready to lend a hand to a friend in need, we expect nothing less in return.

Once again, thanks to all the Frenchmen that participated in the offensive. Your help was needed, and it will be remembered. Your Government, however, underperformed. Its not the end of the world though, so we all may as well get over it. Just dont let the EDEN trolls fool you. Your place is in PEACE. Not because we want you to suffer under us (i mean, seriously... EDEN propaganda🙂, but because we should be working together for the best of the alliance. Recognize and accept your own interest in the total mutual interest of the alliance, like the Americans recognized theirs in saving Croatia. Once we, the PEACE GC, understand the mutual interest principle, and start working by it, and for it, nothing will stop us.

Viva la France
Viva la Serbia
Viva la PEACE

If anyone would like to translate the article to french, please do. The goal is to reach to the majority of the population, and native language is the best way for it 🙂