Day 1867/ dan 1867

Day 1,867, 06:08 Published in Croatia Croatia by Suster Toni

As I have promised yesterday, here is the new article. There is a lot of interesting things going on so let me start with:

1.CoT offensive against Greece and Turkey

I must say that Al Madinah was completely failure of EDEN forces against powerful Bulgaria. Result is that Bulgaria is attacking one of the last Greeks strongholds in Asia. Respectable, that should be CoD of all alliances at the moment.

There are also battles at Aegaen Islands and Marmara in which attackers are losing battles because they have important job to do at Makkah. Fate of Greece is unknown……

First lets see posibilities about outcome of this important battle:

a)Bulgaria wins:

Bulgaria will continue attacking Greece, and will probably ignore Turkish attacks at core regions.

b)Greece wins:

Turkey will attack together with Greece, but they will have to plan it very careful, depends on Greece wishes ( do they want to risk and try to get some bonuses back, or they want to be safe from deletion).

Serbia is finishing hers meal…..Israel welcome to the club of EDEN deleted countries xD

If Greece falls, we can expect that Bulgaria will continue through Arabia and Iran (together with Serbia) to the holy grail of EDEN – China (and Croatia) .

2.Ireland and UK

UK almost blew up the deal:

Luckily for all sides, mistake was corrected so Ireland now can attack Scotland and lose it. Then we will see some swaps of regions for one week, and situation will be as it was – boring as usual.

Irish CP announcement about alliances:

Asgard - Our talks with them are active, we’ll have another meeting with them, and congress of Sweden and Finland is currently disucussing about us. Accepting us would be a big deal for them since they never accepted any other country so far. It’s big decision for us and for them too. Swedish and Finish President are in favour of our joining which is a fairly good thing for us. Until congress of those two country doesn’t decide that we’re getting a green light to join them there won’t be any referendum, but I’m pretty sure they will accept us, so I have to announce referendum considering joining Asgard soon, probably even in this term.

CoT would be happy to accept us aswell, referendum about joining our future alliance will be at the beginning of next month, it will give time to new CP whoever it be to make decision. We have friends in CoT and support by their HQ, what we need to do is to make sure CP's of CoT countries supports us aswell. Before starting referendum we need two options where to join so we can give two options to vote for on referendum. Which one is better we shall see, both of them brings some cons and pros, we'll let people of Ireland to make that decision.

EDEN clearly lost Ireland (now Ireland can spare 100 000 IE per month – only ten MPPs), to CoT they are welcome,but they always work with Two (which has their enemies: UK, Spain, Poland), and their best solution – Asgard.

3. USA

USA finished Taiwan with weak resistance. USA are waiting Brazil or Spain ( or both of them) to share border with China. Oh, my dear China, looks like everyone wants to rape you…. China can do preventive strike against USA, but she will lose some MPPs, and their CP is big lover of a peace so we won't see that for some time…

But we could see Serbs and Americans fighting together against Chinese soon 😃


I can say that we had luck. We repulsed Indonesian attack at Madhya Pradesh ( it was miracle at our HQ ), and successfuly cut off Indonesians at Maharasthra through Indian RW. Croatia had inner problems with its strongest paramilitary unit – Tigrovi (Tigers) but that is solved out. They have done prety good job in that RW(special thanks to Crvena Garda for weapons). So Croatia is safe at battlefield for some time.

Meanwhile there is referendum in Croatia about EDEN. We should see results quickly. Referendum wasn't held by Croatian government but by some volunteers (I think so, I am in government xD), that is clearly sign of Croats dissatisfaction about EDEN priorites. I must say that Greece and Turkey were more important than our own ass ( takvo je moje mišljenje i nemate se čemu ljutiti) .

Back at battlefield, as one problem is solved, another arises – now there are lots of diplomatic games behind the scene. Thailand wants to get some beef:

Croats want safe bonuses, and India wants indepence and neutrality. Someone will be the black sheep ( Croats won't, we are the strongest there, if we ignore Indonesian threat right now).

5.Finland,Germany and Sweden vs Latvia,Lithuania and Estonia

Sitauation is always the same here. Germany jumped in to help Sweden to repulse the attack from Estonia and Lithuania – first it was bad call, but Germany and Sweden are holding out just fine. Finland lost occupied Estonian regions, and Estonia is leading counterattack.

Germany had some problems with PTO, but it is supressed by allied intervention. I haven't found article about it,looks like seven days passed, if someone finds it - PM.

There are also other warfare analysis that are pretty goo😛

And for Indonesian players: suster in Croatia means shoemaker, not nurse like in Indonesian 😛

That is all from me. Wait, just one more thing:

Kao što sam obećao jučer, ovdje je novi članak. Postoji puno zanimljivih stvari koje se događaju pa ću početi sa:

1.CoT ofenziva protiv Grčke i Turske

Moram reći da je Al Madinah bio potpuno neuspjeh EDEN snaga protiv moćne Bugarske. Rezultat je da je Bugarska napada jedno od posljednjih uporišta Grka u Aziji. To bi trebao, sasvim zasluženo biti CoD svih saveza trenutno.

Tu su i bitke na Egejskim otocima i Marmara u kojima su napadači izgubili bitke, jer oni imaju važan posao za napraviti na Mekki. Sudbina Grčke je nepoznata ......

Idemo vidjeti moguće ishode ove bitke:

) Bugarska osvaja:

Bugarska će nastaviti napadati Grčku, i vjerojatno će zanemariti turske napade na temeljne regije.

b) Grčka osvaja:

Turska će napasti zajedno s Grčkom, ali oni će morati planirati vrlo oprezni, ovisi o željama Grčke ( žele li riskirati i pokušati dobiti neke bonuse natrag, ili žele biti sigurni od brisanja).

Srbija je završila obrok ..... Izraele dobrodošao u klub EDEN izbrisanih zemalja xD

Ako Grčka pada, možemo očekivati da će Bugarska nastaviti kroz Arabiju i Iran (zajedno sa Srbijom) na sveti gral EDENa - Kina (i Hrvatska).

2.Irska i Velika Britanija

Velika Britanija je gotovo uprskala:

Srećom za sve strane, pogreška je ispravljena tako daIrska sada može napasti Škotsku i izgubiti. Onda ćemo vidjeti neke swap regija za narednih tjedan dana, a situacija će biti kao što je bila - dosadno kao i obično.

EDEN je jasno izgubio Irsku (sada Irska može uštedjeti 100 000 IE mjesečno - samo deset MPP), za CoT oni su dobrodošli, ali oni uvijek rade s TWO (koji ima njihove neprijatelje: UK, Španjolska, Poljska), a njihov najbolje rješenje - Asgard.

3. SAD

SAD završio Tajvan sa slabim otporom. SAD čeka Brazil ili Španjolsku (ili oboje) da dijele granicu s Kinom. Oh, moj draga Kina, izgleda kao da te svatko želi silovati .... Kina može napraviti preventivni napad protiv SAD-a, ali ona će izgubiti neke MPPove, a i njihov CP je veliki ljubitelj mira tako da to nećemo vidjeti još neko vrijeme ...

No, mogli smo vidjeti Srbe i Amerikance kako se bore zajedno protiv Kineza rame uz rame 😛


Mogu reći da smo imali sreće. Indonezijski napad na Madhya Pradesh je odbijen (to je bilo čudo u našem sjedištu), a uspješnim odsjecanjem Indonežana na Maharasthri kroz indijski RW spašeni smo od gumice. Hrvatska je imala unutarnje probleme sa svojom najjačom paravojnom jedinicom - Tigrovi , ali to je riješeno . Oni su učinili prilično dobar posao u tom RW (posebne zahvale Crvenoj Gardi za oružje). Dakle, Hrvatska je sigurna na bojnom polju za neko vrijeme.

U međuvremenu je referendum u Hrvatskoj o EDENu. Trebamo vidjeti rezultate brzo. Referendum nije bio u posjedu hrvatske vlade, većsu vodili neki volonteri (mislim tako, ja sam u vladi xD), što je jasno znak nezadovoljstva Hrvata oko EDEN prioriteta. Moram reći da su Grčka i Turska više važne nego naša vlastita guzica (takvo je moje mišljenje i nemate sebi čemu ljutiti).

Povratak na bojno polje, jedan problem je riješen, drugi raste - sada postoji mnogo diplomatskih igara iza scene. Tajland želi dobiti neku govedinu: # komentari

Hrvati žele sigurne bonuse, a Indija želi nezavisnost i neutralnost. Netko će biti crna ovca (Hrvati neće, mi smo najjači tamo, ako zanemarimo indonezijsku prijetnju upravo sada).

5.Finska, Njemačka i Švedska vs Latvija, Litva i Estonija

Situacija je uvijek ista ovdje. Njemačka je skočila u pomoć Švedskoj da odbije napad iz Estonije i Litve - prvo je zo bila loša odluka, ali Njemačka i Švedska se drže sasvim u redu. Finska je izgubila okupirane estonske regije, a Estonija vodi protunapad.

Njemačka je imala nekih problema s PTO, ali to je ugušeno saveznički, intervencijama. Nisam pronašao članak o tome, izgleda sedam dana prošlo, ako netko nađe ga - PM.

Tu su i druge analize koje su prilično dobre: