Daily Slice Interview Series "Civil Anarchy"

Day 1,293, 21:59 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons
Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with a well known Entertainment guru, and one of the few Badass people I get to have the privalage of meeting. Civil Anarchy

(Applause and Cheers fill the room.)
(Zach pours Civil a glass of Rum and pulls a bottle of Captain Morgan for himself…Cheers!)

Zachary Parsons: Alright let’s get this show on the road. For any of those who do not know you, can you give us a brief bio of yourself sir?

Civil Anarchy: I've been running around the eUSA for almost two years now and under 3 different accounts so far. I've held leadership positions in the United States Workers Party, Federalist Party, and I'm essentially the most well known player in the Socialist Freedom Party. Been in Congress 10 times now, held more executive positions than I can count, officer in the Boot Camp, Slayer of the Admin, ect. ect. It would probably be more difficult to find a place in the eUS where I haven't been than to count the ones where I have. SFP for Life, and I'm also an Evil Communist/Anti-Social Anarchist.

Zachary Parsons: NICE! Well might I say your news work is extraordinary in “A status quo Exile.” Recently I have come across your American Idol article, would you mind telling the readers more about this contest?

Civil Anarchy: The contest itself is just the Administration's way of trying to take a hold of the shock panels and revive the Media, so to speak. American Idol takes 10 ambitious writers in the eUS, and gives us all the opportunity to tear down their hopes and dreams until, finally, we get to witness an epic showdown between whomever survives the Round based elimination system. Oh, and did I mention there's gold involved.

Zachary Parsons: oooh mind telling us about the round setup and the prizes?

Civil Anarchy: Glad you asked. Each Round has an assigned topic, and lasts a total of three days. During these three days, Writers are given the opportunity to put out their best creative work pertaining to the topic at hand. So far we've seen a lot of different approaches to how this can be done, truly, everything from Welsh's article made entirely of pictures, to gnilraps speech format, and to Phoenix Quinn's discertation on the masterful art of disobeying. All of these approaches from a simply topic of "Who should be the next President?" As for the Prizes, 3rd place gets 2.5 gold, 2nd gets 5 gold, and 1st gets 12.5 gold. As well as the 1st place writer being known as the new Flufferton. But you know, Gold > EVERYTHING.

Zachary Parsons: that’s pretty epic and a well drawn out contest. I give those who are competing my luck and hope that there isn’t too much blood

Civil Anarchy: But the masses, they love the *blood*!

Zachary Parsons: Anyway (realizing what he has heard has released his own inner desire of glory and blood lust.) In your time in eRep how has the media changed? And has it been in favor of the writers, or has it only made things worse?
(Zachary Parsons picks up his Gladius and strikes a He-Man Pose!)

Civil Anarchy: Ironically enough, during my tenure in eRepublik, the Media Module has most likely been changed the least. Yet, those changes have been most detrimental to those benefiting from the module. Writers have entirely been screwed over by almost every change in the Media Module. I have a few examples if you would like to hear them?

(Civil takes a good swig of Rum and asks for another.)

Zachary Parsons: Why of course I would, go on ahead.

Civil Anarchy: The first that comes to mind was the dynamic that prevented people from writing articles in other countries. Of course, it stopped some trolling, sure, but it annihilated quite a few great international articles. In my mind, this was truly not worth the benefits. Then the Admins reworked the entire Media display system, and got rid of the Top News. To the casual observer, you would assume this would benefit writers, and allow them to target their readers more effectively, when in reality, the extra clicks actually discouraged people from checking their subs, and discouraged even more people from checking the Media, and furthermore, screwed over new writers since there was no latest news tab. Although I suppose the one good thing the Admins did for Media over the course of 2 years was.... (Drum Roll Please!)”The Sub button.” Obviously, the negatives outweigh the positives like pthut outweighs logic.

Zachary Parsons: Looks like you have witnessed a lot in your time, well let’s move on. What is your take on the new craze of the players "Paying" for subs through contests that eventually either does not pay up, or only benefit "ONE" person?

Civil Anarchy: I despise them…More than Tanks who buy gold…More than people who multi…And even more than trolls. When someone who is deliberately 'Trolling' puts forth more effort than a demographic attempting to get subs, there is something significantly wrong. Even more so, I have disdain for individuals who promote this kind of behavior. It's the moment of gratitude concept that's idiotic. Sure you might get some food, but now you have to deal with some idiot whom probably pursued that media mogul to promote their political career, and whose now spamming your subs with idiotic and poorly made 'Vote for Me!" articles. It's a horrible practice, and I have no respect for those who perpetuate it.

Zachary Parsons: I now have more respect for you than most people in the game my friend... but moving on. On the note of political campaigns, what do you think about this months’’ potential Presidents?

Civil Anarchy:
Are you counting Stanleyman as a legitimate candidate?

Zachary Parsons: All the runners themselves (though I disagree with most) it would just be nice to have another person’s output.

Civil Anarchy: Okay then, let's see. Nicholas Ryan is an old friend from the Socialist Freedom Party. Personally, I like to see him moving into YouTube as a campaigning device, and, if I were to be Secretary of Media next election, I would've brought him on board for something radical. However, he's treating the campaign as a joke simply because he believes he has no chance of winning.

Zachary Parsons: hmmm yes that was actually my next question, but keep going we will get to it eventually.

(Zach downs a giant swash of Captain Morgan.)

Civil Anarchy: As a person who has run multiple times in vain, yet still held with composure, I don't really agree with that strategy. I f**king hate Pthut, I'm unsure as to whether or not Stanleyman is actually running. I've known tidbits for some time, and he's definitely not POTUS material, and that brings me to Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer is renowned for his ability to manage organizations, and is probably one of the most active players in the eUS right now.

Zachary Parsons: Yes, but most people I have met do not agree with his views.

Civil Anarchy: Yes, but he's got the drive to become President, and knows enough people to effectively put together an administration. However, I do not support Pfeiffer, and here's why. Pfeiffer is scum; he is, honestly, one of the worst moral players in the game. He uses any and all political power he obtains to screw over his enemies, and reward his supporters. Very Jacksonian in this respect. I've actually been targeted in one of these actions, so the issue itself is much closer to me. He also has next to no Executive Experience, and nor does his Chief of Staff, which means if Pfeiffer were to be elected, the early days of the administration would have to fall entirely in the hands of Colin Lantrip, someone I respect greatly, but I doubt he signed on for a babysitter job. Pfeiffer's cabinet is a slew of political appointments, made to garner support, and to his credit, it's worked wonders, he currently has the top three political parties under his belt. But, we're not supposed to elect someone based upon their ability to suck dick. People should earn the respect of the populace, and whenever you see someone pull as many tricks as Pfeiffer has, you know they have not done that.

Zachary Parsons: yes, yes they should.

Civil Anarchy: If Pfeiffer was elected, and I'm under the assumption that in the coming months that scenario will be inevitable, the country will not erupt in some conflagration. The world will not end. The government will not collapse in on itself in some black hole outside of hawking physics.

Zachary Parsons: hmmmm, well then let’s try not to let that happen. I like my eLife.

Civil Anarchy: But the sheer combination of factors tells me that we're going to be better off with an individual who has the experience, has the drive, has the moral character and has the love. As for Glove, I've had the absolute honor of working alongside him in Emerick's administration. I've seen him work, and I've seen him politic. He's the opposite of Pfeiffer. People love him because of his actions, because of his drive, and because he's a proven leader in tough circumstances.

Zachary Parsons: Yes I joined in the middle of his term almost 2 to 3 months ago, I remember that time.

Civil Anarchy: Glove also hasn't announced the majority of his cabinet, simply to ensure people vote for him due to what his credentials are, and not simply because of his cabinet, and it was a great term…Besides the whole Mccravok thing...But Glove is simply the best man for the job. ☭☭☭☭☭☭ Glove is Love ☭☭☭☭☭☭

Zachary Parsons: I agree with you my friend. Well are you ready for more questions?

Civil Anarchy: Yep!

Zachary Parsons: ooook! How do you feel about multi-media broadcasting, you know. Outside the newspapers, the media outlets like radio, YouTube, podcasts etc.

Civil Anarchy: The two most promising avenues for that sort of thing seem to be YouTube and Blogtalkradio. The primary difficulty with getting these two things off the ground is simply the distribution of people on eRepublik. I think they have a lot of potential; we just need the people to run them. The vast majority of people in eRepublik tend to be more introverted, rather than extroverted, this is problematic when we need people to come to the front of the class, so to speak. Blogtalkradio shows seem to be fairly effective in eRepublik, as I was actually on one yesterday, World Wide Whitehead.

Zachary Parsons: Well Josh Whitehead is doing it on 2 shows mind you; it is possible…with the right means.

Civil Anarchy: And as Intern Director for the Whitehouse, I tried to get people to make YouTube videos pertaining to the game. Did you know that Josh is also on YouTube? Which kind of shows for the extrovert argument, but simply put, what we need are public people to run these sort of things.

Zachary Parsons: Yes I agree, as do probably most of our readers.

Civil Anarchy: All the resources, incentive, and material are there, the only problem is finding the right group of people to do it.

Zachary Parsons: I believe that if Admins added a multi-media concept to the game, or what about a link on the profiles to a YouTube account?

Civil Anarchy: It would definitely make the option more available, and, theoretically, increase the participation. I believe something like that, or at least something similar to what they did with Face book would increase YouTube participation, but personally, getting more extroverted people to make an example of themselves for the others would do wonders.

Zachary Parsons: Ok a few more. What do you think can revamp the Media in eRepublik?

Civil Anarchy: A little while ago, I actually wrote an article on this concept. Obviously the American Idol concept was my first try.

Zachary Parsons: Yes my friend and I do remember

Civil Anarchy: In addition to this, I actually has a bit of an 'Up yours' idea to the Media Mogul people.

Zachary Parsons: But, just in case our readers have not read it

Civil Anarchy: An American run Media Mogul contest http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-death-of-media-1773905/1/20 the entry into the Media Mogul contest would be reliant on publishing a worthy article. It would be a mini-Idol, essentially, you would have to enter one of your best articles, and then I would use a method, popular vote or judging, to choose who got in. Those people could then agree to give up the 5 gold to the Government in order to get a Media Mogul. In addition to this, some genuine interest in the Subscribers module would also be a good way to generate some activity, if we could compile lists of great American writers, or even better, International writers whom otherwise would not be available unless you scoured the medias of other countries, you could simply encourage people to check their subscribers a bit more often.

Zachary Parsons: Awesome response. Well to wrap this up. What would you like to say to our readers?

Civil Anarchy: Three things, if I may.

Zachary Parsons: By all means my friend, go ahead you have the floor.

Civil Anarchy: Go subscribe to my favorite writer in the eUnited States, Phoenix Quinn - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/spectacular-times-191364/1

Civil Anarchy: 2. Follow the American Idol - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/american-idol-round-1-1788687/1/20

Civil Anarchy: And finally number 3. ☭☭☭☭☭☭ Glove is Love ☭☭☭☭☭, thanks for having me Zach, keep up the activity my friend.

Zachary Parsons: There ya have it folks. I am sure there is enough to read for a few days, so have fun. til next time.

(Zach and Civil leave the office and head for the strip club…ohhh let the good times roll.)

Stay classy eRepublik, This is Zach Parsons Signing off.